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  1. M


    You can find most of the same sort of tat at any B&M store and an awful lot cheaper
  2. M

    Adina Vs. Jeff

    That would be Claire Cummins, screeching like a blooming fishwife and gurning at the camera. I switched off!!! And always switch off when she appears on screen. Truly dreadful Lol but it’s so valuable we have set it in silver! Horrid
  3. M

    Toby Cavill?

    No nor me, his constant repetition of “right” and moving forward and backwards makes me feel sick
  4. M

    Jim's Fingers 🤮

    I couldn’t agree more about the Troth creature, he always looks sleazy to me and his hair ugh! Looks unwashed and the haircut is dreadful, did you notice his nails looked like he had been helping Amelia in the garden yuk
  5. M

    Incitatus watches

    Lol some gullible soul will buy the word charlatans springs to mind
  6. M

    I am so tired of all the junk...

    It would appear not
  7. M

    Coming soon....

    Correct Love the monikers all very apt cannot stand any of them and promptly switch off when they appear on screen, as for the tat well words fail me are people really buying this tat? If you want to buy tat pop in to a BM store it’s much cheaper!
  8. M

    I am so tired of all the junk...

    No doubt some will buy although why baffles me
  9. M

    I am so tired of all the junk...

    And better quality and cheaper too
  10. M

    I am so tired of all the junk...

    It is increasingly like watching a church bazaar all cheap tat and what is it with these blooming crystals??? No glass and no brass used to be the mantra, cannot be asked to watch very often these days although Jeff is easy on the ears along with Derek in the early hours. Mr Bennett needs to...
  11. M

    Adina Vs. Jeff

    Y That will be Claire! Far too loud and over the top gurning and shouting at the camera, needs turning off. Pronto
  12. M

    I am so tired of all the junk...

    And they are all truly dreadful, as for Kati and her makeup, can’t stand her? Her voice is so blooming grating
  13. M

    I am so tired of all the junk...

    Am I the only viewer (only occasionally now) who finds most of the male presenters absolutely appalling? Dave Troth always looks as if he is trying hard not to break wind, Jake Thompson or is it Thompson-Bennett? looks as if he needs to try one of Steve’s famous fasts and Toby ‘right’ Cavill oh...