Didn’t like the Superdrug one - but love the Aldi hot cloth cleanser. Smells exactly like cleanse and polish did twenty years ago ( zingy) although it seems to be out of stock everywhere 🥲
‘I run every day , I juice every day, I don’t drink alcohol and I wear bloody boring Porchester Square on my nails every day of my life ( ok so I made the last one up, even though she does ) Well bully for you Jill ! 🙄🙄
OMG- words fail me! Nasty, nasty, nasty!
Q have seriously lost the plot.The models look mortified to be wearing the range ( circa 1980 ) ……….Note to Kim; Just stop it ok??😡
Really miffed! Ordered on advanced order as I get paid at the end of November ( they’re always banging on about the next pay day) The money was taken on Monday! but today ( Thursday) it’s still showing as in process. I rang CS and they said I ‘should’ receive it by the 12th- WTAF??
Just watching Jill on the Nails Inc hour. Can’t believe how up her own arse she is Painting her nails with her favourite’Porchester Square’ she then went up to regale us with stories of how she rang her husband up at the supermarket and got him to read out the ingredients on the nail varnish...
Yep - that happened to me. Dropped me right in the brown stuff when I had direct debits coming out the day after. That’s fine, but QVC have all the advantages and none of the disadvantages- and they make a big deal of saying ‘If you’re waiting for your next payday get it NOW, without once...
Omg - that is so right! I was thinking Worzel Gummidge but Riddlers nails it! And what’s with the trousers she’s got on tonight? Looks like the cats died!
Just channel hopping - landed on Ideal World to see Sally Jacks introducing Stacey from YBF! Stacey was saying it is nearly 5years since she saw ‘her gals ‘ in the U.K. Takes me back- I remember getting excited waiting up for the YBF Tsv s 😄😄
Thought it was just me! Lol!Ten points for ‘stenning’ and five each for ‘best’ ( bust), and ‘beautiful ‘, with bonus points for every time she bigs up Marla!
I must be in the minority in that I quite like Claire Sutton. At least she has intelligence and doesn’t have a portfolio of cliches like ‘jump to those phones’and ‘It’s busy out there ‘ ( JF) ‘click it through ‘AY’, ‘coming up on the way’ and ‘which is great ‘ (CE) I really like the Marla Wynne...
Surely you don’t mean ‘stunning’ Melissa?? The woman wants stunning with a heavy object across her temples- she’s trying so hard to be posh it’s ridiculous!!
I love this range ( even though it’s way out of my price range) so I like to watch the shows . However Melissa really spoils it for me cos I find myself just counting the minutes ‘til she says ‘stunning ‘ ( can guarantee it’s less than five!) My heart sinks when I see she’s the guest presenter...
Bit wary about ordering after reading some comments on Q website regarding the staying power of those bought from Q rather than elsewhere. Has anyone here had a problem?