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  1. E

    Stalker ordeal of shopping channel TV girl

    Is that picture really Clare Stuart - she looks completely different these days (at least to my eyes)
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    Penalised for returning items

    At the root of this, apart from a revisionist approach to terms and conditions by Sit-Up that Stalin would have been proud of, is the fact that the presentation is such crap - either due to the presenters or the script they follow - and this engenders a high return rate.
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    I do the same as JoolzS. I thought everybody simply added a tenner on the top. It seems that the only people incapable of doing that bit of maths are the Sit-up presenters. Why am I not surprised.
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    Usb internet radio..amazing!

    OK. I tried it on another computer and it works a treat. I'd make a couple of comments, though, which might be a bit helpful. 1. Yes it is a P and P dongle with pre-loaded software. I am sure that you can replicate a lot of it yourself with time, effort and a lot of digging. There are plenty of...
  5. E

    Usb internet radio..amazing!

    I got one too. I thought it was a great idea only mine doesn't seem to work. I'll try it on another computer tonight.
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    Megadrops.. BUT ONLY TODAY

    So they are a bit like royalty? They have a real birthday and an official birthday.:)
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    Chloe Everton

    Hope she doesn't cover any Merseyside derbys!
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    Christmas Comes Early

    More Sit-Up desperation. 2nd and 3rd August - Christmas Comes Early weekend! For Christ's sake, I haven't even had my summer holiday yet. Well, maybe they are losing faith in all purchases being delivered "usually within 7 working days".;)
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    Nicola George

    Nicola George - I thought they had taken her out and shot her.;) I think a lot of these presenters are on elastic. They disappear and then they go pinging back to Price Drop Towers.
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    Old Bid-Tv phone number

    They have also seemed to change their channel numbers on Sky. A truly movable feast.
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    What have you bought from them that didnt work?

    That sounds a bit fishy to me ;)
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    I got a letter from sit-up this morning. Trying to rip me off

    I suspect that, as economic conditions worsen, Price Drop will get wose and worse.
  13. E

    gemstone globe rip off

    Let's face it, the main requirement for a Price Drop presenter is to talk unadulterated crap. I feel a little sorry for them. "5 years at RADA, lovies, and here I am selling people stuff to get rid of bedbugs"
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    Megadrops Are A Con

    This is the motley crew. I think the format [email protected] should work (I sent a dummy and it did not bounce)