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  1. B

    General ridiculousness thread

    Peter Simon really is revolting. I'm not sure why he's still allowed to indulge himself with those horrible (and often nonsensical) monologues... surely it's just another 5 minutes that could be 'better' used by actually selling something (rubbish, no doubt).
  2. B

    General ridiculousness thread

    Mason makes me mildly seethe (and snigger when he tries to talk about astronomy or anything he deems himself to be extremely knowledgeable about) but Peter Simon is one of the only people I've ever seen on tv who genuinely manages to make me feel physically ill. He does this thing from time to...
  3. B

    Ofcom launches investigation into the Sit-up channels

    Oh, I saw it. His words might have been brief and innocuous enough, but his seriously over the top, demented-looking grin definitely seemed to betray his true feelings. There's no doubt you have indeed got under his skin.
  4. B

    Ofcom launches investigation into the Sit-up channels

    I enjoy watching Bid/PD for the laughs so in a selfish way I wouldn't want them to close, but if that's what happens then nobody can truly say it's not deserved. 27 upheld ASA complaints is a shocking number, but not shocking enough to make the folks at Sit-up change their ways. This ofcom...
  5. B

    Come Dine With Sally

    I'm watching! Sally might be gobby on Bid but she does seem like a genuinely nice woman. p.s. I wonder if she got Wayne to help her design her menu! :grin:
  6. B

    Peter Simon is a disgrace

    He just knocks me sick. He was selling a couple of t-shirts earlier and kept saying how "extraoooordinary. Absolutely extraoooooooordinary" they were, that they were some of the best tops he's ever seen and that as somebody who's spent "20 years working in fashion" he would know. They were bog...
  7. B

    Your First Ever Qvc Purchase

    I remember being really disappointed with it, actually, but looking back I think my expectations were probably far, far too high! :grin:
  8. B

    Your First Ever Qvc Purchase

    Two items, circa 2005: a MOP Mixed Greens shampoo & conditioner set, and a Gatineau product (fizzing powdery thing that came with a little brush to apply to the skin) that was supposed to rid me of my teenage blackheads.
  9. B

    Tonight with high spot in a very poor show

    I could swear he just said that they (Bid) "rarely" get handbag brands such as Balenciaga and Gucci... but we must forget about them anyway because tonight we have Fiorelli! Fiorelli's a good brand (I've bought items from department stores in the past and they're decent quality, though not...
  10. B

    General ridiculousness thread

    Last night I heard Peter Simon describe the model Annie as being a size 14 - 16, and today he's said that Jenny's a size 16. Unless there's something very wrong with my TV there's no way on earth those sizes are correct. Is it some sort of 'ruse' to make more curvaceous viewers think they'll...
  11. B

    The Same Over and Over again

    One would probably think that if they can limp through till autumn the Christmas trade will carry them over until new year 2014, considering how long the Christmas build-up lasts these days. I wouldn't be hugely surprised at all if they didn't make it to the end of this summer, though. I hope...
  12. B

    The Same Over and Over again

    Yeah, you've hit the nail on the head there. I usually switch over whenever there's a gardening section, but happened to catch a small portion of one yesterday, with the short man presenting (Mark?). He was attempting to flog something (I'm sure he was rambling about 'white picket fences'...
  13. B

    Peter Simon

    Yep, I really did switch over at the wrong time! *Shudder*
  14. B

    Peter Simon

    I'm sure I heard him threaten earlier to get 'our Bet' on the phone to talk about whatever it was he was flogging. That might have been amusing...
  15. B

    Drop the lot

    This is pretty naughty, in my opinion. I wonder how many people understand they'll be charged £1.53 just for trying to buy something. I know the call cost is on the screen and people should read it and realise, but do they?
  16. B

    Wayne is leaving.

    Like some of you have already said, Wayne does seem like a nice enough man, but I still cannot for life of me understand how he got the job on Bid. I know the channel doesn't have much credibility, but you'd think the lure of (dubious) 'fame' and money would be enough to tempt at least one...
  17. B

    Peter Simon

    Has anybody EVER heard him complete on of his "not only..." sentences? :thinking: I can NOT understand his continued employment... does he just bewilder everybody into buying?! Horrible man.
  18. B

    Peter Simon

    Peter trying to sell a handbag by describing one of the colours in it as 'Bovril chocolate' colour... erm, well I was on the fence about it before but that description's sold it to me! :grin:
  19. B

    Wayne the chef in action

    Ha ha! I'm a hopeless cook - I made carrot and coriander soup once but must have overdone the coriander slightly as after I blended it it was the unmistakable (and most definitely unappetising) colour of bile... but then again I'm not a 'professional' being paid to impress potential customers...
  20. B

    Peter Simon

    Oh good Lord, he's really on top form tonight... explaining the story of the "extraordinary space diamond", which he also referred to as "One singular mollusc of time"? :wonder: (First post from a longtime lurker :hi:)