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  1. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Yup it certainly does seem that way Docswife, Mike Mason is talked about on this forum every single day!! Quite possibly the most spoken about presenter on shopping channels on these forums! Yup. it sure does get boring taking about the same thing over and over I agree with you on that one! :D
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    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Glad you chose to watch Docswife!! Yes I do think he is doing well in his new job at Ideal World, shame you don't agree with that but what a dull world it would be if we all liked the same things (are you with me too? lol ;)! And yes I do think it is really really funny that some people watch...
  3. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Glad you didn't watch him by "mistake" thanks for clearing that up!! Hope the next time that happens that you remember to keep flicking through the channels instead of stopping and watching him (I hope you are keeping up?! lol ;) and remember to change the channel, it would be a simple thing to...
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    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Absolutely hilariously funny!!! Another poster who watched Mike Mason for two minutes and found him unbearable!! lol. How many posters have said that now?! lol
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    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Wirral :) Graham put a comment on here a few days ago saying that everyone was entitled to an opinion, so I thought that was what the forum was for :) I wouldn't want to put individual posters on ignore as the comments they make about how much they dislike Mike Mason and find him unbearable...
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    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Yes I do think he is doing very well indeed. In your opinion he is "unbearable" but yet you are in tuning in to watch him on Ideal World?????? hmmmm
  7. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I didn't realise he was part-time? Thats news to me. Oh well a part time job is better than no job! At least he got one very quickly unlikely some of the other Bid presenters. In other news Lisa Brash has left The Outlet Channel already. Now there's a big surprise ;)
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    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I have no wish at all to tell people what they should and shouldn't say for the record!! and I hope the same goes both ways guys!
  9. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    If that is the case that by my posting that in my opinion it was time to move on from the subject of worry angels and bass reflect test sheets was wrong and against forum rules then for that I apologise. I did not realise that was against forum rules. It was just my opinion on the matter...
  10. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    In my opinion hearing constant references to bass reflex sheets and worry angels is boring, but that's my opinion, its a shame you don't like me having an opinion, I thought this was a forum where we could all say what we thought, perhaps I was wrong?!
  11. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I don't think anyone is taking it onto themselves to say what other forum members should and shouldn't say at all Wirral. Like you, we are merely expressing an opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and that's the way it should be.
  12. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I agree with Bennyxp completely, the constant harking back to the old sales pitches of worry angels and bass reflex test sheets are out of date and boring. Its time to move on and give it a rest. Its the same old posts time and time again recycled about Mike Mason. We've read it and heard it...
  13. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    PJ-Why on earth would he apologise to a person who hit his partners car?! I don't know anyone who would apologise to some idiot that banged into their partner's car!! Why would he say sorry to his son for using him in a sales pitch?! Anytime I've seen him on air he has spoke about his child...
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    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    It would be a dull world if we all liked and disliked the same things.
  15. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I have seen the videos Wirral70 posted and I admit the Worry Angels and Bass Reflex sheet sales are cringeworthy sales pitches, but to give Mike Mason the benefit of the doubt, he was employed by Bid at that time and doing what he was probably told by his bosses to say and do to get the the...
  16. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Got to be honest I've never watched a public flogging! All I can say is I wouldn't waste a minute of my time in my life watching someone I disliked just to slag them off. I think its time Mike Mason was given a break on this forum. I'll now await getting lynched for this comment lol.
  17. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    Well to be fair I don't see how you can justify saying he sticks out like a sore thumb and was awful if you only watched him for 2 minutes?! Maybe you should have watched a bit longer and seen that he is doing his presentations well and isn't putting viewers under pressure to buy products...
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    Brash TV

    I really don't see a future for The Outlet Channel, from what I say on Sunday night it was a poor man's copy of BID TV, I actually think Lisa Brash did ok presenting wise with the products, but there should have demonstrations. The Bid TV music playing was also a big mistake, time will tell how...
  19. S

    Mike Mason joins Ideal World TV

    I think Mike Mason is very watchable, hence even the people on here who really dislike him would have to admit he is watchable (or else why would they be watching him?!). I think he seems to be doing well at Ideal World and the demonstrations with the co-hosts have been good so far. I think he...