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  1. Hillary

    'Yes you did. 'No I didn't'. 'You're a prat' 'So are you'

    What has happened to this forum? It used to be such a nice place. Yes, we often disagreed but we could all discuss our various points in a grown up and mature way. Just lately, whatever the subject, after 2 or 3 posts the thread descends into name calling, bickering and sheer nastiness at times...
  2. Hillary

    That banner advert on the bid log in page

    That banner advert at the top of the pages. It is right across the log in box!
  3. Hillary

    As requested: Happy shoppers post here.

    I have had: great duvet, sheets, T shirts, shoes and DVD's. Admittedly in the past, but I have high hopes that things, as they are now, will improve and we will get back to the good old days.
  4. Hillary

    Mile Mason, not so bad

    He used to make my skin crawl and was on the list to switch off as soon as he came on but I'd like to be fair. I saw him yesterday and he wasn't half as bad as usual. I know I don't watch as much or as long as most of you, and I know its open season on Mason, but credit where its due... ... I'll...
  5. Hillary

    What exactly is a fire diamond?

    I've heard the term 'diamond fire' used to explain a play of light in the heart of a diamond. But the only fire diamond I have heard of is a chemical to extinguish fires.
  6. Hillary

    Ms Brash

    Yes, I know she comes over as a bit, well a lot really, of a slapper but I like Lisa. She gives me the impression that if she was a friend of yours she'd stick by you through thick and thin. And there's not many like that about these days. And even her worst critic will have to agree that what...
  7. Hillary

    Where's meet the hosts/assistants gone on the web page?

    I couldn't find it this morning when I went in to see if there was anyone would fit the name 'rezzy' because i don't know who it is.
  8. Hillary

    What is the point of the assistants?

    This isn't meant to be a 'lets bash the assistants' thread. I honestly want to know. Situps are obviously feeling the financial pinch and there are probably dark days ahead after OFCOM finish with them. Couldn't they save money by getting rid of them altogether? And while they are at it, cut...
  9. Hillary

    Bill pertwee has died

    I had the privilege of knowing him for over 40 years. I never heard him say a bad word about anyone. He was a lovely man and a true friend to many
  10. Hillary

    No publicity is bad publicity

    I wouldn't mind betting that after being all over the papers and on the radio, people are tuning in to the situps to see what all the fuss is about. Now, if the production team play their cards right, send the dross on gardening leave and use their best presenters they could make a few bob out...
  11. Hillary

    has anyone on here contacted BBC 'Watchdog?'

    Since the roller-coaster decline over the last few months? I just wondered. if they had been tipped off to keep an eye on sit-ups? Good name under the circumstances isn't it? No doubt they are sitting up and taking notice now after treating complaints with such arrogance
  12. Hillary

    Adam Heppinstall

    Isn't he one of the training crew? Responsible for preparing new salesmen/ women for being in front of the camera? If he is, then he should bear some responsibility for the disgraceful selling spiel. And yet we all like him don't we and think he is less spivy than the others. So, he is either...
  13. Hillary

    Peter Simon: Increasingly worrying behaviour

    I know I don't watch as much of this channel as many of you, but I used to enjoy it very much.Now, I just can't watch Dirty Peter any more. He really is giving me the impression that there is something of the night about him. The way he paws and leers at young assistants just isn't on. They...
  14. Hillary

    Poor, poor Peter Sherlock

    I hope he sues whoever gave him the Botox. I saw him this lunchtime and he looks awful. When I was working, some of our unconscious stroke victims had more animation in their foreheads than he does, and it looks as if he has a creeping facial paralysis. His right eye looked dreadful and has he...
  15. Hillary

    Peter S. Much tidier today

    I just caught sight of Peter Sherlock. He was presenting with that frightful female with the awful voice. Caroline is it? He looks much nicer in a suit, so smart and presentable. His forehead doesn't improve does it? I really hope it wasn't one of those DIY botox things and that he had it done...
  16. Hillary

    Will they keep going until Christmas?

    I think they will, but the new year will see even more rubbish being sold and possibly recorded shows. Maybe a bit like the JML channels? I think they are called infomercials.
  17. Hillary

    Christmas is coming

    We're into May so they will soon start putting the tree up in the studio:confused: Are they unaware, that starting in July/August makes people like me switch off? Anyway! Which Christmas presents would you like to buy your favourite/least favourite salesperson?
  18. Hillary

    Who is the young man...

    ... on pricedrop 4pm today (April 30th)? I've not seen him before and he is like a breath of fresh air. Unspivy, clean and tidy and looks wholesome. Go on folks... do your worst, I bet you all hate him!
  19. Hillary

    If you don't believe me, take this to any jeweller and...

    get it valued. Well, my sister-in-law did last year and the 'tanzanite' she bought wasn't worth half what she paid for it! Fair play though, she sent it back and she did get a refund.
  20. Hillary

    Calling Peter Sherlock

    Could you please use a bit of sway to invite Dr Cringle and Tommy and Kate into the studio so the we can see them? It would certainly increase sales