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  1. S


    SA not on until 9.30 tonight. Anyone know what is going on? Cindy and Chris also said yesterday that they're on PD today. Doesn't sound good for SA.
  2. S

    New presentation line up

    According to the website there's to be a new presentation line-up in the new year. Anyone know what is happening? Steve MacDonald said that he's doing his last shift on PD on Sunday.
  3. S

    Kate Heavonor

    Awwwwww, great to see her back on telly presenting. Takes me back years. And then there was another guy - Gary or Guy. So, the big question, who is going? Is anyone going? Where are they going?
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    Kathryn Camsey

    Does anyone know if she has left? There was a new woman on today for a while and I haven't see Kat for a while.