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    Red meat takes 9 weeks to digest!!!

    Was perusing Keeleys Facebook page ( I like to keep abreast of products) and she's posted a bit about toxins in the body. I'm a nurse and unless you were very severely constipated 9 weeks to digest a bit of steak seems slightly excessive. ( Red meat can take up to 9 WEEKS to digest) Of course...
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    £15800 for jewellery off shopping telly

    If I was spending this kind of money I'd at least expect to be sat down with a nice beveridge- in nice jewellers shop - not have to sign for it from my postie and get my own drink!!! I think they think that they are as presteegusas Harrods now! Or am I being a bit hard after all the cost of...
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    don kogen masterpieces

    are they really masterpieces? do they really command £xxxxxxxxxx per carat if he were selling them else where? if its a business that wants to make money why sell "so cheap". Idont get it!!! am i a pessimist which is an opitimist with expirience- but it doesnt make good business sense to me...
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    Adina Stubbs

    For fe*ks sake - I can't bear to hear this "presenter" stutter her way through descriptions and tell me I've just got to have everything she is flogging tonight. Why does she spout rubbish - the best, amazing, the finest - and this for under £20- now she's going on about a carat of diamonds -...
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    elemis- keeleys advice on facebook page

    i recently posted on facebook page about horrendous breakout expirienced after using bliss capsules- as another person also was using them and suffered the same. Everyone was raving how Keeley tells you this is normal and its just the skin detoxifying, ???? really I posted that my local...
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    Victoria N 's spades gone

    Noticed victoria Norris has had her White spades removed And was sporting nice short nails. Wonder if this wil last or catch on. She would do to soak the tips in that fizzy "bubble" stuff you get that brightens them up. Especially after years of acrylics. Her forehead wrinkled a fair bit as...
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    Rough diamonds ???

    Is it just me - why would you want to wear fishtank gravel round your neck? Lyn flogging 20 carats natural rough cognac diamonds - she's never seen anything like it - neither have I As long as stocks last!!!! It might just be me but they looked pants.