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  1. W


    I have bought some pieces of Alexandrite from Jewellery channels , for which I am grateful because they are creeping up in value . But Csarite I am confused. Wikipedia says Csarite,Zultanite,Ottomanite is just Turkish Diaspore of Gem quality . And all of it is mined in IIbir Mountains of South...
  2. W

    Vicky.....please calm down........

    I enjoy watching Rocks & Co I smile endlessly at John Scott and enjoy watching everybody else. I am pleased Alan Miller is on the team.......I hope? But last night "VICKY" did my head in !! Screaming like banshee Has she been secretly on a Gems TV "Scream at the customers course" ???? I...
  3. W

    Love, hate & total indifference

    There is a fine dividing line with love and hate . I enjoyed and loved ROCKS TV and because I was disappointed how GEMS TV was going I used to feel passionate and emotional and so rant and rave with the changes going on. And now? I feel totally indifferent to GEMS TV. I flick it on , flick...
  4. W

    A reputation is quck to gain and hard to loose

    I chatted to my long lost DPD man as I accepted delivery from another company. He commented that we hadn't seen each other for ages. I said "Oh I don't order from Gems TV anymore " He was reply was "You and the rest of the world " I am an ancient Snatch it, Rocks TV customer and who so tries...
  5. W

    Bored,bored, bored

    Out of all the three jewellery channels , I always go first to Gems TV & Xtra. But both channels bore me , unimpressive designs and it has got to the stage that I can only watch either Gems channel for 10 minutes, maximum. Presenters are boring , designs not interesting and prices with no wow...
  6. W

    please stop

    I was happily watching the gems show last night with Steve and Lyn and enjoying it until it came to the Golden Rutile Quartz and then I switched it off. Why did Lyn have to spoil it by pretending the Rutile Quartz should have been sold at £1399 but Steve accidentally said £399? So Steve would...
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    Duplicated themed hours

    I often wondered if Gems TV and Gem Collector were under different management of the Bennett family and is this also the case also of GEMS TV and GEMSTV XTRA? I cannot believe that both shows can be so badly produced and badly cross matched with their themed hours. A couple of weeks ago I...
  8. W

    i really do try to love

    I try, I really do try to love Gems TV. I will honest and say they are very watch able and the presenters are good. Some of the old timer women presenters spout utter patronising rubbish but I just ignore it. I find the male presenters on Gems TV amusing and interesting . Some of the new girls...
  9. W

    if only .................................................. ...

    I am sitting down, flicking to and fro all the shopping jewellery channels with Christmas (and myself ) in mind. There is no doubt that Gems TV can be competitively priced and I see some pretty rings but I am instantly put off by the diamonds and the old expressions of last year spring to mind...
  10. W

    I try , I really try

    I try, I really do try to stay in love with GEMS TV and I try , I really do try to forgive and forget the problems last year. I watch the programs and actually quite enjoy them. The delivery is good and customer services has got back on track So then my resolve weakens and I buy and item of...
  11. W

    Not such a deal

    Just watching GEMS TV and Steve is auctioning 6 Agate coaster sets in a highly polished wooden case. Thought Gems TV was a bargin channel but not so sure as Steve sells the Agate coasters at £ 29.99, because I bought the identical set, size , colours for 20 Euros from a market in Germany only...
  12. W

    Loosing money and selling at a loss!

    Presenter tells her audience that she is selling 51 pieces at a loss................................................................................................REALLY????????? And she hopes the management aren't watching in case she gets the...
  13. W

    Glad this forum is here

    Just to say Glad that this forum is here, whilst on Facebook that Gems TV promotes , which is fine but then on their Facebook page , negative or less than complimentary can be edited by them. So we only get to see the positive stuff and the negative stuff is edited away. So no wonder Gems TV...
  14. W

    Free P&P today and competiive prices

    Free P & P today and competitive prices? Has TJC changed it's management or have they been listening to this forum??????:sun:
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    Is it me or has the Rhapsody range disappeared from TJC's web page?
  16. W

    Has TJC gone Kamakazi?

    What has happened to TJC? My quality jewellery channel?????? It is MHO TJC is now unwatchable and has fallen behind GEMS TV (which is dire) and now the worst of the three main jewellery channels.:yawn: Will TJC still be here next year?:wonder::wonder:
  17. W

    Can you tell the difference? I can.

    Now I don't claim to be brain of Britain but I hear Ali Defoy telling the Gem Shopping nation that it is hard to tell the difference between real diamonds and white topaz......................................................................please, stop !:doh: I am afraid I am all Zambian...
  18. W

    More missing stones

    Is this a joke ? item RKSV09-Australian Opal and Diamond earrings (still hopeless and still cannot paste) a pair of Opal earrings....two missing diamonds on the earring on the left on the graphics on GEMS xtra I am not really watching GEMS at the mo but when I flick through onto GEMS this...
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    stacey's nails

    Yesterday, Firstly, Stacey's false nails were outgrown around the cuticle and worse still the false tipped middle finger nail was badly chipped with a grim yellow nail underneath surrounded by remnants of fake tan was just EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Accidents happen but...
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    Another missing stone

    LTPS61 Another missing stone , I cannot paste (hopeless) but a brand new piece London blue Topaz and marcasite pendant. Top left , another missing stone on the graphics !!!!!