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  1. J

    What cosmetic ranges are best for Mixed Race Skin?

    I’m disabled and don’t really get out much, going to be given money for Christmas and find buying cosmetics difficult, Skin is like a light coffee tone, any help will be greatful. And what brand shows should I be keeping a close eye on
  2. J

    Does Molton Brown have expiry dates on there Gift Boxes?

    IW have been Selling Molton Brown over the last three days Gift Sets, Three 300ml bottles for £29.99, I ordered some as it seemed cheap. But it seems strange Molton Brown would allow IW to stock there stuff, apparently the items don’t come in the colour of the gift boxes Molton Brown are using...
  3. J

    General Banter and Random Musings

    Feel free to post about this new channel,Seen on TV. Even though most of the presenters have done the rounds, we should look at this channel,as a clean slate
  4. J

    You Gardens coming to QVC

    It appears Shaun Ryan alongside You Gardens are coming to QVC
  5. J

    Andi Peters at Hotel Chocolat for GMB

    Was watching GMB this morning, and AndI was at Hotel Chocolat in Huntingdon He was talking to Kiri I think her name is, the girl who often appears on Hotel Chocolat hours, You could see her scraping the chocolate I think she called it, and as normal her hair was flowing
  6. J

    Was Crafting part of QVC since the channel began

    Dawn Bibby now guests on Create and Craft,she isnt sure if she has worked on Shopping Television for 30 years or 28 years, Im sure Crafting was a part of the channel since 1993
  7. J

    Have QVC Stopped Christmas in July

    I dont watch much QVC these days, but as a fan Christmas I’m one of the few probably who always watched it through the Day, Hours of Shows like Santas Toy Shop, Hours of Dexter Moscow with Mr Christmas which had things like tree decorations and Music Boxes. Have had a look at the schedule for...
  8. J

    Does Liz Earle ever appear now herself?

    Havent seen her in ages
  9. J

    What was the name of the brand of watches...........

    Steve Whatley often presented? The name Kahuna springs to mind, they always used to make a big thing of the hours with them, as they always used to sell quick
  10. J

    Is Ideal World getting a overhaul like Create and Craft?

    The Company who bought Ideal Shopping Direct last year, are making changes to C&C, bringing back companies such as Crafters Companion, Tonic, Dawn Bibby and putting a lot of money into it. Surely Logic would seem Ideal World also changing. Bringing more brands in, than the same items over and...
  11. J

    Andi Peters is he a guest or a presentter

    I regularly watch food fest, as it makes me laugh them stuffing down all the overpriced food. But Andi seems to do more presenting than Dale, does item numbers etc, what makes him so special. It’s always him and Dale. Can only Dale bare him
  12. J

    Ideal World on Create and Craft including Maker Reward points

    Just before 7pm Andy Love said Fashion on Create and Craft tonight. Will see a selection of Ideal World products, with Maker Reward points available. Also a couple of hours of stuff Saturday and Sunday
  13. J

    How come Create and Craft have the good presenters?

    I mainly watch Create and Craft, but the presenters seem more normal than those on Ideal,World. Dean Wilson, Martyn Parker, Andy Love, Loen Love, Nigel May have all worked for Ideal World, why there they put on the sister station, when Ideal World has ex bid presenters. Jenny Cleary, Dan...
  14. J

    Julian Ballantyne nice surprise?

    Turned onto IW to only find Julian on a hoover hour, nice to see him again, really hope the presenting goes well for him. I thought he would be a bit upmarket for IW, but maybe after his last couple of ventures he wants steady work
  15. J

    Ideal World presenters acting different on create and craft?

    The other day Sally Jacks was on Create and Craft, she was good and asked sensible questioned and seemed sensible, and not there normal IW Style. Also on the odd occasion Mike Mason has presented he has come over really professional, and also seemed interested, Peter Simon well, he was just...
  16. J

    How long has Paul Ross been a IW Presenter.

    He is selling the Cookshop Halogen oven Pick of the Day hour.
  17. J

    R.I.P. Oban Love

    just heard Loen say on create and craft, shevhad received cards for her and Andys dog Oban. Loens FB page said he had to be put to sleep on 28 May. Oban used to go on air with them sometimes on IW. Even though neither work on IW now but on Create and Craft, thought you folks would want to know
  18. J

    Are all the daytime hours live?

    Been watching the Will hour, its 11am, and Genieve keeps saying This Evening, some guy from the call centre come through, she said Good Evening, to him, he replied witb were busy this evening, was he just being polite.
  19. J

    Roz Kwan was lovely to see her again?

    I remember when she used to QVC often doing Gems of the Orient. Was lovely seeing her doing South Sea Pearls last night, I was channel flicking, I recoginsed her voice before i saw her face.
  20. J

    How have Green Seasons done this Xmas?

    As a thread hasn't been started I hope everybody who has ordered meat has had there orders fulfilled, and not been left without any meat.