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    Jackie Kabler doesn't want Diamonique

    She said that she wants an eternity ring then went on to say that she wants a better one than the ring she was showing at the time with Andrea McClean! Don't think bosses will be too happy but it was so funny!:happy:
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    Are QVC deliberately trying to annoy me??

    Every time I turn on these days that blooming ad with John Barrowman and his cronies is on:mad: The remote control is on permanent standby now to switch off as quickly as I can - just hope I don't end up chucking it at the tv!!!
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    Allison Young's Lady GaGa outfit!

    Leighton Denny said that next time he is on he would get AY to dress like Lady GaGa then he said she's not far off it tonight!
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    Sarah Griffiths

    Why has Sarah Griffiths become Sarah G? I heard one of the other presenters call her this and this is what appears on the screen now. :confused: