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  1. B

    Peter Simon Contradictions

    As the title says - Peter Simon has made many, probably hundreds, of contradictions, and that's just with his life. Shall we see if we can get into triple digits? 1. He's been working "in whatever this is for" over 20 years? Neigh on 30 years? Over 30 years now? Just shy of 40 years? 2. The...
  2. B

    Amazing Recipe Book With BlockBuster

    Genevive is promoting the "amazing recipe books" which are sold with the blockbuster blender. So many great much would you pay for this on the highstreet? This isn't a cheap book. It might be good not to spell "Eton Mess" as "Eaton" then :mysmilie_17:
  3. B

    Who next?

    So we know there have been old bid presenters poping up in new places such as Peter Simon on Gems, Lisa going to appear on The Outlet Peter Sherlock will be joining the team too!
  4. B

    Brash TV

    Watch out.... ;) "How would you guys like it if I was online live 8 hours per day with some fantastic products where you guys could all text and phone in to ask me questions about the products?????? Could you handle me for that long that is the question xxxxx" Gotta say I do miss her!
  5. B

    And they're saved!
  6. B

    Crap products, few suppliers...

    It's pretty obvious that a supplier will not supply a company who may be in financial difficulty, or one who may have had problems with them in the past. It's also pretty obvious that a lot of their products come from the same source. This is why I was not surprised to see a "Become a Supplier"...
  7. B

    Four weeks today...

    It's been four weeks since I last watched the bid shopping channels. From going from watching them everyday to nothing, simpler than I thought. Not missing them at all aha
  8. B

    The One Show

    The One Show have emailed me through the ASA in regards to my complaints and want to know more information for a part in their show! lol I presume everybody who submitted a complaint will get a similar email
  9. B

    Who's excited to see Lisa B's new look tonight then?...

  10. B

    Lisa Brash - the ideal bid customer

    On Saturday night she bought a dress live on air. Last night, at about 12:45 am, she went to buy another dress but missed out, so she bought the next item which was bedding (£9.99 + P&P) and then she bought the next item - set of 2 pillows (£5.99 + P&P). She then said "I'm going to have to buy...
  11. B

    More well known brands

    It's great to see that bid are starting to bring back in some bigger brand names again inc. Russell Hobbs, Tefal etc. and now an iPhone 5 :-) Hopefully these become more and more frequent
  12. B

    Bid Plus on all channels

    I turned on bid and Caroline was on, the next minute I look up and Bid Plus is playing, I then look on price drop and they too are playing out Bid Plus!
  13. B

    Sally Jacks eating cat food...

    ..I say no more....
  14. B

    Bid for Sally

    "The secret is out! At 9pm this evening after Come Dine With Me, Sally will be auctioning herself on EBay! You can bid for her to come to your home & cook a 3 course meal. This is a fundraising auction for The Sam Shaw Appeal. "
  15. B

    Great hair extensions, Lisa!

    Nobody would be able to tell that it isn't your real hair. Buyers will be flooding in when these come to air. - I do like Lisa but it made me laugh!
  16. B

    Never one to exaggerate

    Flip Flops are hell on a stick which cut your toes in half, and only people who marry their sisters wear them. Lets hope he doesn't have to sell flip flops this summer! Not great quality: Then later in the sell "Oh the smart people getting on early...
  17. B

    ASA not upheld complaint but misleading

    A while ago bid were selling the razorpit and the presenter said "These are £30 online... if you go online you will pay £30 for this" (no web check or anything) How do you interpret that? Well, I couldn't find it online for £30, so I asked the ASA to look into it. Well, I got a letter through...
  18. B

    Come Dine With Sally

    Sally Jaxx will be on Come Dine With Me next Friday Channel 4 between 8-9pm :) "In Burnley, Lancashire, fiercely competitive Jane Dickinson takes on `in it to win it' Mark Dempsey, wedding DJ Kev Riley and cable TV presenter Sally Jaxx, in a week that features a bout of exuberant self-praise, a...
  19. B

    JPP - Jewellery Price Promise

    I was just watching a clip from 2003, where they had a jewellery price promise. - If you buy a piece of jewellery from them and have it valued by Safeguard and they say it is worth less than the guide price, price drop would refund you the difference. Why don't they do that now...
  20. B

    £10 Credit Promotion Just looking at their T's&C's, since March, they've had 14 different £10 credit promotions! How many more will we see in the next few weeks?!