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    La Belle Epoque - who hoo!

    Regarding the music for the Spring fashion promo; is it just me or does anyone else hear La Belly Pork who hoo? I have even started to sign along!!!
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    Ruth's TSV - aftermath

    Jackie and Ruth are sitting in the QVC canteen having a post TSV lemonade liberally spiked with something stronger which Ruth produced from a lock and lock container hidden in one of the many pockets of her hero tote. ‘Well’ says Ruth ‘that went very well didn’t it? How many thousands of those...
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    Gabbling presenters

    I replied to a post the other day commenting that presentations are more frenetic than of old. Then, proving my point, I saw a repeat hour with Messrs. Campbell and Murphy and it was unbearable. I can't remember either of them talking so quickly in the past. Then I saw a Kim and Co hour with...
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    Meet the presenters

    I am amazed that no one has mentioned the 'meet the presenter' videos on the QVC website. Perhaps you all have better things to do! Frankly, they aren't quite as cringe worthy as I would have liked. When asked for their perfect day most of them included a walk with their dog or dogs (the dog of...
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    Something I noticed....

    I noticed that the Dannii Minogue big deal and a long waistcoat from the Malissa J collection are made from exactly the same sequin-y fabric.
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    Model JC

    I haven't seen JC, one of the longstanding and regular models, for a while now. We seem to see the same ones for a while and then they disappear and reappear again at a later date. Sally and Cordelia have also been absent. I wonder how it all works??
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    Brenda Edwards TSV - For Rowan, hoping to bring a smile to your face at this difficult time.

    Wednesday the 21st of February - two weeks before the Brenda Edwards TSV. The TSV fashion coordinator and team are in a conference room at QVC towers to discuss Brenda Edwards’ first TSV. Order is called and, amidst much scraping of chair legs and slopping of hot beverages from QVC mugs onto...
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    Fashion guest

    I caught a bit of QVC the other day and the fashion guest was Miranda Holder; I really find her voice painful to listen to. It's been said before but wouldn't you think a nice voice would be fundamental for a TV presenter.
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    Anne Dawson and Ruth Langsford

    Last night I saw a bit of the Ruth Langsford fashion show with Anne Dawson presenting and 'oh my goodness' (as Anne herself would say) Anne was totally unbearable! She constantly talked over the guest, babbling and wittering on like nobody's business, and, on the rare occasion that Ruth actually...
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    Qurio promo

    Is it just me or does that Qurio promo annoy the pants off anyone else with 'Hi lovely ladies!' and the awestruck woman who sounds as if she has discovered something really important when it's just some lotion/cream that she finds so 'phenomenal' that her eyelids have turned metallic pink. I...
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    Missing models.....

    I haven't seen Cordelia (model with cropped white hair) for quite some time or am I not watching enough???!!
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    Kathy Taylor leaving QVC after 21 years
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    Licorice allsorts on fashion sets

    I am surprised no one has commented on those grubby looking pale blue and white 'podiums' which have recently appeared on the fashion sets. The ones that look like toxic licorice of them looks like it has a water stain running down it......unless it was just a shadow. I don't...
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    Jolie Moi and Ongenu...

    are they one and the same? They seem awfully similar except for the price of the former which seems to be less expensive than the latter. I haven't seen the Ongenu lady for a while now either; we just get the so called 'brand ambassadors' and 'fashion experts' now. Also, Ben di Lisi, has his...
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    Where has Gok gone?

    Wasn't Gok supposed to do a monthly show with Alex Kramer? Ruth Langsford stood in for him when he had a road accident but that was a while ago and I haven't seen him or any of his garments on air for quite a while. His first TSV didn't seem to be very popular so perhaps his line has been...
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    What has happened to SJ and the other Bare Minerals lady?

    I know that one of the two Bare Minerals ladies disappeared a while ago but has SJ gone too?
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    Sharon and Goody

    I haven't seen Sharon or Goody for ages and there have been a number of new models of late; what's going on?
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    Going, going, gone?

    Is the Tiana B range being discontinued? Annalee and whatsit (the sister brand) has already gone it seems........Gone the way of Very Vollbracht, Taylor Dresses, Print Fusion, Beth Terrell, George Simonton, that strange German chap with tight trousers...
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    Fashion weekend video

    Has anyone seen those gorgeous Marta Jonnsson wedge sandals with the flower detail; they gave me palpitations they are so lovely. Want them.......
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    I have a confession to make...................

    I haven't told anyone this; not even my husband but sometimes, when I can't get to sleep at night I imagine that I am a presenter on QVC. Not one of the presenters but me, presenting stuff that I would be interested in. You know, fashion, skin care, make-up and not yogurt or vaccum cleaners...