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  1. M

    Steve Bennett's Interest in Gemporia

    We occasionally see Steve Bennett make an appearance on Gemporia, but just how much interest does he have now?
  2. M

    Nilamani Kyanite

    Tuned in to Adina's show this evening, just for curiosity. During the show, she announced that we were now going to view a video of Dave Troth, 😩speaking directly from the Nilamani mine location. On comes Trothy, speaking to us lucky viewers, telling us he was at the Nilamani mines. It was a...
  3. M

    Jadeite fatigue!

    I've just been watching a repeat of an earlier show featuring Ellis and the jadeite 'expert' Dave Troth. He obviously wants to be a presenter, as he's never off our screens, but how much more can we take? Please, would someone in management do the decent thing, take him aside and tell him the...
  4. M

    Silver Jewellery

    Like most people on this forum, I would not like to see Gemporia close down, but a lot needs to change for it to continue. There are many issues that need attention at the moment, but the lack of good quality stones, set in sterling silver, needs to be addressed. Back in the day, beautiful...