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    Black Friday Fatigue

    TJC has gone overboard with Black Friday. Black Friday in May, June and July. Black Friday on a Saturday. Black Friday weekend. Black Friday week. Black Friday preview. Black Friday hour. Christmas Black Friday deals on Boxing day. I think they've had at least 10 Black Friday events this...
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    Trousers, shorts and sunglasses

    What's with all the singular language TJC presenters are using? A trouser, a short, a sunglass????? Wot?? It used to be: a pair of trousers a pair of shorts, a pair of glasses! It's so bizzare...
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    Cringeworthy Presentation

    Plesse can someone have a quiet word with Nitesh and let him know that constantly talking over the presenters doesn't make for good watching? This morning he talked over Vicki during a New York close out presentation. He doesn't listen, thereis no flow, he just blurts words out. No conversation...
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    Stacey and Deepak Tanzanite Show Masterclass

    Did anyone watch the Tanzanite show with Stacey and Deepak? It was a masterclass in how the presenter / buyer dynamics should work. Mutual respect of each other, taking it in turns to listen and speak, nodding and agreeing in a natural way, and using each other's name - smooth. So good to...
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    Jojoba Show - Akward

    Jojoba Show - Awkward In terms of presentation, terrible show tonight. Why? Because Nitesh doesn't listen. He is impatient and can't wait to say what he's got to say (at the other presenter's expense). Presenter Lindsey was left speechless as Nitesh fluffed his way through boring slides...
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    In praise of Marina

    Marina is a true professional. Not many presenters would be so cool when faced with presenting with someone who clearly isn't ready to be on screen. Poor Nitesh was truly awful to watch tonight. He babbled, blustered and talked garbage. He repeated the same thing over and over again. He's...
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    TJC Presenter Georgi

    I was flicking through the channels this morning and noticed that TJC presenter Georgi is now on appearing on Rocks & Co. She is no longer listed as a presenter on TJC, so it looks as if she has jumped ship with Kieron. Pastures new and all that... good luck to her.
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    TJC Buyers & Gem Experts are NOT better than their Presenters

    TJC are increasingly using the presenter with buyer/gem expert format. This is fine when the buyer/expert is enhancing the presentation by adding their insights. However, on TJC the buyers have come to dominate proceedings and are really spoiling the buying experience. Amit used to be charming...
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    Rocks & Co. Renaissance

    Anyone else loving watching Rocks & Co at the moment? R&C seem to be going from strength to strength. Their designs are arguably the best out of all the dedicated jewellery channels. They have listened to their customers and improved gold weights. The guest gem experts have refined and...
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    Price Changes - Sale Prices

    Anyone else noticed the price hikes over the past month? I first noticed that the prices of a lot of the items had been put up a couple of weeks before Christmas - that may not be surprising as a lot of companies do it - it's a business afterall. However, the prices appear to have gone up...
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    TJC's Tanzanite Day - Export Ban News

    I've just been watching TJC's tanzanite day and Stacey mentioned that the Tanzanian Government has banned the export of raw tanzanite - TJC are currently running this as 'Breaking News' and are incoporating this info into their sales pitch. I found a link to the news story (date 28-04-10) for...
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    Under £50 Day - Prices

    I've been watching the Under £50 Day on TV and have seen a piece sell for £10 MORE that it is selling for on the website! Same item code, same weight. Buyers beware.
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    Website Load Problems

    Is anyone else experiencing problems accessing TJC website? I keep on getting Page Load Error??
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    ITV on Jewellery Channel live internet feed???

    Anyone else experiencing this glitch???
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    Customer Services

    I'd like to know if anyone has experienced difficuties contacting Rocks & Co's customer services today? I purchased an item on their website yesterday and something has gone wrong with my order. Now they are not answering the phone lines or responding to e-mail. I called the JML customer...