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  1. R

    Hold the front page-not!

    Hello Deasmum, Ballerina, Donna et al-fear not ladies, Charlie Barron is due on shortly with his pearls (where’s he finding them??-thought there was a supply issue)-and if you’re feeling bereft there’s a Nilamani show on later-another show to add to our last chances no doubt😊
  2. R

    Getting ‘genuinely’ ridiculous

    Am I the only viewer who is getting really, really tired of the same old Tucson clips being trotted out ? I no longer care about hearing the same breaking news from this event about shortages and spiralling costs of stones, only to then see a show based around stones the company apparently...
  3. R

    Adina Vs. Jeff

    Where to start-I wish to add my voice to the forum with regard to the utterly impossible Adina on Gemporia. For a long time I’ve tried to ignore the constant hair fiddling, the “genuinely most beautiful thing I have ever seen“ statements and tried to get over the fact that many customers have...