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    Kelly Hoppen TSV

    Anyone know what it will be? Thanks
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    Any OTOs today?

    Anyone found anything? Thanks!
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    Charlie Bears TSV - 25/6/13 - any ideas?

    Anyone know anything? Thanks!
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    OMG - the worst thing I have ever seen on QVC- turn it on now! - 10 p.m. Sunday

    Check out the guest - that is horrific, why is she allowed on looking like that!?! Can someone do a screen shot. That is just horrific. She's squeezed into it and there's camel toe and cellulite. What on earth???!!!
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    Yankee candle guest's hair

    He looks ridiculous! It looks like a woman's hair stuck on a man's head, scary!
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    Chuntley's outfit

    I'm not a fan of Chuntley but usually she gets it pretty right on the clothes front. She has put a few lbs on recently (no I'm not being b1tchy about that as my weight goes up and down a bit too - we're only human). However, the dress that she's got on in the 1500 gardening hour is awful. a)...
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    Richard Jackson TSV on Friday

    Anyone know what this will be? Thanks!
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    Lulu Guinness' v funny comment!

    On with Anne Dawson showing her TSV. Conversataion along the lines of Anne Dawson saying 'It looks gorgeous with the lovely red Yong Kim top' Lulu said 'A what top?' Anne says 'Yong Kim' again, Lulu says 'Oh'. Anne had to explain that 'Yong Kim is another of our fashion designers at QVC...
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    Models with bad feet!

    Why do QVC persist in using models with scabby feet for footwear shows? The older model on the Holster hour (don't know her name - she's not one of the regulars) has really horrible feet with corns on her toes - yuk! Why is that going to be a good advert for the shoes? Why don't they make...
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    Chloe's eye make up - scary!!!

    7 p.m. show - why does she do so much eyeliner? It looks awful - a really heavy thick line under the eyes - looks like someone has punched her in both eyes. I'll vamp it up if I'm going to a club but she's presenting daytime telly for goodness sake!
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    Ali K's dress 8 p.m. & Chuntley's dress 6 p.m.

    They seem to have the same dress on in different colours - long sleeve zig zaggy print. I really like it, does anyone know what it is? Future TSV?? Thanks in advance.
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    OMG Why?!

    Why do the producers / directors allow the presenters to go on air looking so awful? Julia in Slim and Lift show on now (when she needs to look really good!) looks awful - spare rolls with dress pulling! Yikes! Kathy Taylor often looks awful with bad fitting clothes too. I'm not being a bitch...
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    Kelly Hoppen OTO? TSV has sold out!

    Hi anyone that can help. Is there an OTO on the website yet for the 2200 show? I can't find one. Thanks
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    Charlie Bears TSV 13/2/13

    Anyone know what this is yet? Thanks in advance. Please can we keep this thread about the question too and people not use it for comments about Will and Charlie - if you want to do that please start another thread. I don't want to annoy anyone by saying this but I have tarted the thread...
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    Sorry, but Jill Franks is totally thick!

    She's showing which she's also wearing. She has just said it's great if you don't...
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    New Lola Rose Bath & Body - Beauty Channel 11 p.m. tonight

    This range is launched tonight on the beauty channel, not the main channel, for some reason! It looks really good - I've seen it in John Lewis. Well worth watching I think. I know a lot of work's gone into it as I took part in a survey for LR over 2 years ago when they were first looking at...
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    Xmas shopping - extended mbg

    Does anyone know when the MBG get extended to 25th Jan? Is it 25th October? Thanks
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    EMU sizing help please - thanks!

    Hi all, some help required please...if I go for a pair of Emu sheepkin boot and I'm a 7, should i order a 7 or a 6? What have you all found - stick with your regular size or go down? Thanks
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    5 p.m. OMG - What is Julia wearing???

    I actually quite like Julia (apart from when she's lying about her dress size). But I have to say I can't believe what she is wearing!!! She's doing Emu hour with horrendous shiny leggings and a god awful shiny tunic dress that is a. awful because it's shiny and b. pulling in wrong places...
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    Charlie Bears TSV on Sept 10th

    For those of us that are fans there is the next Charlie Bears TSV on Sept 10th. Hoping the wonderful SCW can work the usual magic and find out what it is in advance - thanks SCW!!! Unfortunately, it's the day after the Hugglets bear show in Kensington on Sun 9th Sept so timing is not...