Just watching Jill on the Nails Inc hour. Can’t believe how up her own arse she is Painting her nails with her favourite’Porchester Square’ she then went up to regale us with stories of how she rang her husband up at the supermarket and got him to read out the ingredients on the nail varnish...
Just channel hopping - landed on Ideal World to see Sally Jacks introducing Stacey from YBF! Stacey was saying it is nearly 5years since she saw ‘her gals ‘ in the U.K. Takes me back- I remember getting excited waiting up for the YBF Tsv s 😄😄
Or does she look a b***er? I’ve known some stylish plus size women but she looks truly terrible with her patterned leggings, mumsy shoes and shapeless top. Hardly shows the brand to its best advantage!
I swore I would never fall for the advanced orders hype again after they took the money out the day before payday, but I did....
I fancied trying the bare minerals cream foundation ( hate the loose formula with a passion) and it was on a fantastic deal with a lipgloss, bronzer and brush for £28...
Nobody gets on my wires as much as her ( well maybe Vonda) but if she says the word stunning to describe something once more...... grrr!
And don’t get me started on the fake posh accent ‘blesh’ ( blush) anyone?
Who is the woman who seems to be brand ambassador for every fashion brand going? She’s been on virtually every day this week, Rieker earlier and now outerwear! If she says
‘It’s stenning (stunning) one more bloody time i’ll scream!
She’s trying to sound posh but failing miserably!
Is it only me or is she the most irritating brand ambassador on Q? She's been seemingly 'promoted' to co- presenting the Friday fashion runway show and is inventing phrases as she goes ( volumu- less sleeves anyone?)Ok I'm Northern so it probably annoys me more than someone south of Watford but...
Katy bloody Pullinger! So..... I get in from work at 11.10 pm and turned on Q. Imagine my dismay when I realised Draculas daughter was presenting the last hour of Laura Geller! My dismay escalated when she said she was carrying on for the Adesso hour. If she says um- errr once more, I swear I...
Omg- can't stop looking at Alison on tonight's Decleor- is it me or has she got a bad case of 'pillow face' i.e. too much filler?! It's a bit rich waxing lyrical about the TSV if us normal folks can only achieve such 'smooth results by trotting down to the nearest salon for a spot of 'non...
Just wondered whether Diane is gone forever because all her stuff is either on 'last clicks' or 'as is' (whatever that's is!) prices. I've had two pairs of her jeans- one I hated, one I absolutely loved,and I fancied one of her boyfriend jumpers,but some are either gone in my size/colour or...
Just tuned in to two hours of 'fabulous fashion' Kathy's words not mine- and I'm sat open mouthed at the sight that confronts me. Kathy and guest presenter both look like they've been in mummy's dressing up box- tatty and unkempt. I've seen better stuff in Primani at a third of the price! Oh...
Well just when I thought I'd heard it all in terms of delusional comments, Kathy has just surpassed herself. She's on with fashion 'guru' Glenn 'coming through' Campbell, and has just said that not only are QVC 'right up there' with fashion, but have gone stratospheric in the fashion world! Yeah...
Just watching JK on the Kim & Co hour and can't believe how much older she looks in this range than in her usual Join attire. The same applies to Tania in her 'lovely' tiered dress with red shoes! I know everyone's taste is different but taste aside, it's amazing how you perceive someone's age...
Just watching the bodyblade hour and can't believe how Jill is pretending to be coy while showing off her bum. She's so vain I can't stand it! Mind you it must work
cos I bought one ( even though I bought it during the earlier hour with Pippa who I love!)
I love to watch Join as I love ( most!) of it but can't afford it! However this morning show was completely ruined by the animated ramblings of Chloe know- it-all! Poor Evie couldn't get a word in edge ways as she came out with her ' Chloe-isms' - (one size fits most?!) or some other word I...
Ordered some Liz Earle on advanced order during the mini series because it wasnt due in stock until the 7th December and I get paid at the end of Nov only to find the money had been taken already! I called the customer services to be told it is back in stock! So where did they get 7 th December...
Just got in from work and I'm so glad I've missed most of the Kim and Co hour- foul, foul, foul!
I feel sorry for the models - I bet they feel like proper dollsheads wearing that *****- honestly can't believe my eyes and unfortunately she's back tomorrow! I know she must shift some stuff but...
just tuned in to see Michele waxing lyrical about how she wouldn't have been on QVC for twenty years if her clothes weren't fantastic. That's because they are from 1996- no wait - 1986!! Can't believe stuff is limited- can only assume they didn't have much stock to start off with! I can't catch...
Love Join clothes ( can't afford them though!) but what possessed QVC to put Kathy Tayler in their dress- she looks like a bag lady- not a good advert for the product- unlike Evie who looks gorgeous in all of their stuff!