Anybody noticed that the presenters seem to be getting more and more misleading regarding the Easy Pays?
For instance twice this morning Eilidh was encouraging people to take out five easy pays and not to worry because they didn’t carry out a credit check. Yes they do! It’s there in black and...
I can’t help wondering what on earth is the point of Michael Perry?
Whatever he’s on he always seems to have his backside permanently welded to the chair and just sits there looking smug, throwing in the odd comment whilst the BA and presenter do all the actual work.
OK. The QVC website seems to be turning into Ann Summers! I think I feel a bit nauseous 😖
No idea who this new guest presenter is but he’s so annoying! I had to turn the sound off after 15 minutes because he’s like an over excitable market trader.
Not to mention the fact that everything he’s presenting seems to be completely burned and dry.
OMG. Who the chuff had the bright idea of putting Gail Samways on with Chloe Everton????
I had to turn over after five minutes. Shouting, giggling and talking over each other like a couple of headache inducing, over excitable chipmunks.
Definitely got a headache now ,,,,,, 😟
Just been looking on the QVC website at Churchills.
400g of fruit jellies for around £25!!!!
I recently got 400g of fruit jellies from Tesco which taste absolutely beautiful and cost £1.76.
You know how when you watch a video on YouTube you have the option to play it at 1.5x speed?
That’s what it feels like every time I try to watch Rezzy. Slow down woman for goodness sake. It’s exhausting! 😳
I’ve just seen Simon Biagi describe this product -
by saying that it was “quite meritricious”
I had to look up that word and the definition I came across says
apparently attractive but having no...
At 4pm this afternoon all of the listings said that it was supposed to be a Hotel Chocolat hour. But we settled down to watch it and they were selling regular Christmas stuff instead.
What happened there? I was really looking forward to my chocolate fix 😔
Does anybody have any idea where Charlie Brook has got to these days? Haven’t seen him on screen for a while, he’s not been on Twitter since April and his last blog was back in May?
During the Fashion Accessories Outlet hour Ms Kabler has just been selling a black and white Pia Rossini scarf which they have chosen to call “Panda”.
She has just gone to great lengths to reassure us that even though it’s black and white and called Panda it’s not ACTUALLY Panda.
Gee, thanks...
Hi everybody,
I know it sounds like a cliche but long time lurker first time poster!
I'm a lovely person really but I just had to come on to see if anybody had any experience of contacting QVC to complain about a presenter and what email address we should use?
I'm sorry but I've finally been...