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  1. L

    Crystal Clear Sonic Wand

    Does anyone know anything about this? I saw it on IW for around £50. Would never buy from them because the phone system is enough to put me off. So tried it to see if it is at QVC and saw it, with a bottle of extra gunk, for about £90. No reviews so it is probably new. It is on sale already...
  2. L

    Saving you money elsewhere

    I saw the demo on the Gtech hour for some cleaning products called Mrs Gleam. Two bottles with hefty p&p comes to about £20. Out of curiosity, I looked online for these products and found the company website. The same 2 bottles plus p&p comes to under £15. Maybe this forum could run a thread...
  3. L

    Would you take fashion advice from this man?

    I really must stop accidentally turning on the television when there is a fashion show on. Yesterday I was overcome with remorse at my fashion horrors of the 1980s, as it is always the 1980s on Q. Having an insomniac moment I woke at 4 something and switched on to find myself looking at...
  4. L

    Are the Eighties back?

    I have just accidentally turned on a 'fashion' programme, QVC at 5 pm. I was reaching for the button to change over from Claire and her iccky voice, when I was struck with recognition. She was wearing a blue bat winged jumper with thick elastic band around the thighs. To my horror I...
  5. L

    Tiffany past it?

    I see on the Express online website this morning that Tiffany's gentleman, the one with the fixed smile and perfect teeth, who has been at her side throughout cruise, vitamin and other advertisements, is now grinning like a loony over a much younger blonde.
  6. L

    Is he really the inventor?

    I am baffled by the big guy selling the folding pouffes today. He keeps saying that he invented them. But yesterday, thanks to previous posters, I searched online for something similar, and found so many designs and shops selling them. Now, if he really invented them, surely all the...
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    Ml for ml value

    Does anybody remember when AY used to claim that products were 'ml for ml value", her way of saying 'cheaper than' the normal price? There was a glorious time when some government regulation insisted that all cosmetic products had to be quoted in price per 100 ml unit, which showed up how...
  8. L

    Misleading Demos

    I have just been able to return my Morphy Richards steam generator iron in the nick of time, it was a TSV about five weeks ago. I used it for only the second time today, and it melted my polycotton duvet cover. The demo done by the woman who was selling it clearly showed her several times...
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    I am used now to the annoying fact that when you ring to order product X, the telephone operator will then ask if I want to buy Y as well. No, I don't. If I wanted Y I would have dialled in for that. What baffles me today is QVC's desperation to sell anything, however unrelated. In the...
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    Sexual adverts on this website

    For the past couple of weeks when I have gone to this website I have come out of it quickly because some rather menacing looking adverts flashed up first and I was not sure if they were authorised by the people who administer this website. But today I had a shock when I went to open this page...
  11. L

    Thank you for the awful music

    Thank you first of all to everyone whose messages I have so enjoyed reading over the last few months. You have allowed me to share a fellow feeling with so many of you, and saved me a lot of money. This is my first and last post, to say that I have finally stopped shopping with QVC. I have to...