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  1. backstreetgirl

    It's Falmouth, Melissa Hardy, NOT Fulmouth!

    Seasalt show now. Falmouth is my second home, pronounce it correctly please!
  2. backstreetgirl

    Where's qvc?

    Jill was cut off 10 minutes ago and there have been qvc ads ever since? Gremlins in their system maybe....
  3. backstreetgirl


    I just don't know why Jilly, with all her years of being a presenter on QVC, is still relying on the old 'you're loving this' and 'you will love this at home' constantly? I know, I know, I've posted about this before but it really does get my goat. She's just not a very good presenter now, too...
  4. backstreetgirl

    Malissa J

    I'm just watching the programme with Miceal, what an annoying woman she is.
  5. backstreetgirl

    Skinsense nonsense

    I was just watching Skinsense with the 5 products for £39.96, wondering whether or not to give them a try, it seemed such a good deal. As a 70 year old, I'm obviously looking for products for mature skin and usually use Gatineau Age Benefit. Looking at the before and after pics, they're both...
  6. backstreetgirl

    My goodness, Ophelia fancies herself

    I was watching the Gatineau hour and trying to put up with Ophelia rabbiting on when she said - with a coy look and equally coy movements - "I'm 40 but people say I look younger...." The hour finished and I kept QVC on as I wanted to see Molton Brown. It's on now and she's just given the wrong...
  7. backstreetgirl

    Has the consistency for Cleanse & Polish changed?

    My last Cleanse & Polish I bought was in a set with a few other products from QVC. I don't always use it, preferring to go between different brands if I've got them. This morning I was using it and thought hmm, this is of thinner consistency than it used to be, I'm sure. It seems to sink into...
  8. backstreetgirl

    Why have QVC Evri parcels been delivered by my postman?

    As in the title really, twice now I've followed the tracking on the Evri website, seen my order's out for delivery and been surprised when the postman turns up with it! Has anyone else had this and do you know why? :unsure:
  9. backstreetgirl

    Help needed to unhear "you're loving this"

    I watched a bit of the garden show with Charlie earlier and got fed up hearing him saying every five minutes "you're loving this." I'm sure he's getting worse. In the end I turned over, he was getting on my nerves. Now Jilly's on and she's over-using the phrase. And now I can't unhear it and...
  10. backstreetgirl

    Alex Kramer on Tonight programme

    The programme discusses the elderly being financially abused and Alex talks about what happened to her aunt.
  11. backstreetgirl

    Dial it down Gail Samways

    What a shrill, loud voice she has and she speaks far too much and too fast, she's exhausting to listen to and has started my tinnitus off again. Calm down woman, you're so hyperactive.
  12. backstreetgirl

    I thought I only disliked Ophelia as a presenter......

    But having seen Victoria Fitz-gerald, I've added her to the list. Her voice grates on me, I don't know why because she's well spoken, but no I can't take to her. I'm beginning to think the only presenters I like watching are Jackie (I've changed my mind about her, I think she's very good) Alex...
  13. backstreetgirl

    Alison, it's a stye, not a style!

    She just answered someone's message on the beauty insider show on how best to treat a stye on her eye. She answered how to treat a 'style' several times! For someone who comes across as a know all it was funny that she didn't know what it was really called 😂 This came straight after she talked...
  14. backstreetgirl

    Stop talking over the BA Alison!

    I hate people who interrupt or talk over other people anyway and Alison is in full flow at the moment with the Neom BA who is trying to demonstrate the pod. Shut the wotsit up Alison. RUDE.
  15. backstreetgirl

    Every time I turn on.....

    Anne is the presenter. I'm afraid I have to put her in the same group as Ophelia, in that I really really don't like her as a presenter. She's gushing away over ridiculously expensive, boring (and so not worth it) Wynne Layers, and loving everything and telling us that we love everything too...
  16. backstreetgirl

    Well thank you Alison grrr

    I was looking forward to watching My Hair Doctor and for the past 20 minutes all Alison Young has done is talk over the BA as he tries to explain what everything does. As a result I'm not going to order - whereas I was hoping to - because of Alison interrupting him, talking over him and...
  17. backstreetgirl

    Can't log in to QVC

    Is anyone else having problems logging in to the site? I tried yesterday and today, no joy, neither on my desktop nor my mobile.
  18. backstreetgirl

    Lisa Snowdon on QVC Beauty

    Why is she presenting Prai?
  19. backstreetgirl

    Someone please tell Ophelia....

    ...... to stop saying 'you're loving it' and 'I'm loving it. ' In fact at one point this afternoon when she was presenting various brands including Carole Hochman, she said about one item 'You're loving it' followed a few seconds after with 'you'll love it when you get it home.' Which is it? I...
  20. backstreetgirl

    I never thought I'd say this..... I started off not liking either of the new girls, but I don't mind Annaliese too much and prefer her to Ophelia any day! I just can't take to Ophelia at all, her voice is not a presenter's voice, it grates on me, the way she says her words is annoying, she speaks quite loud and, I think...