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  1. M


    Was hoping for a nice ribbon pin,to go with the one I got in 2000/01 (that was really pretty..silver with pink sapphires and it has never tarnished nor needed cleaning since). Liked the Buckley pin but not enough to want it. Tried to get the kipling bag but order didnt go through. Good luck...
  2. M

    Refund and replacement on same day!

    Flippin' heck not one but two things gone wrong with last 2 orders. First was my ABC order for the litre size didnt arrive, still hasnt :sad: Then my Liz Earle TSV box was wet through, the skin tonic had completely leaked due to a faulty cap :doh: Good job to customer services as they refunded...
  3. M

    ABC where are you???

    Where do we get our skin wash now? Now that QVC seem to be winding down the ABC products (why?) can anyone recommend a good website or actual shop that I can buy from? Also has anyone tried the facial wash gel yet, it only has 1% TTO as opposed to skinwash at 2% oil. I miss my litre size :17...
  4. M

    Honora TSV pearl drops

    Got mine today, they look very sweet in the box but the colours of champagne and peach are almost identical, anyone else think the same? Under a strong light they are definitely different, not sending them back though they are all too pretty. Fast delivery for these I thought.
  5. M

    Lock and Lock OTO quick

    Id be quick, I got just the one in green.
  6. M

    Dont look-thorntons

    Kathy and Dawson on at the same time eating chocolate, if the chocs dont make you sick the presenters will. :26: Wow apparently it takes 9 months to carve the moulds for a poxy chocolate father christmas just look at that detail........for flips sake.
  7. M

    Bare Esenctuals TSV?

    Anyone know what this might be? Im still on waitlist for pure compliments set but tbh im happy with the recent smashingbox tsv halo. Would be handy though to have the 2 colours to use and compare. :33: