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  1. BaxterBailey

    Emma Hardie show 8pm

    Got to say Jilly Hallidays skin looks tons better than Emma Hardies . Not sure of the age difference between the two but skin wise is massive I M O BB X
  2. BaxterBailey

    Soooo proud of myself

    Hi everyone Think I might have cured my QVC addiction, not bought anything now since 17th December ! Tis a miracle :happy: BB x
  3. BaxterBailey

    QVC Christmas Cards are on their way!

    Hi everyone, Just to let you know QVC christmas cards have gone out - I received mine this morning (didn't get one last year). It has a three easy pay code in it to be used by 20th December. Lola Rose TSV here I come:happy: BB x
  4. BaxterBailey

    Julia's Gold Cuff Bangle

    Hi everyone, Bu any chance does anyone know the item number for the gold cuff bangle that Julia wears? I've tried searching but I've had no luck! BB x
  5. BaxterBailey

    Gold Day TSV?

    Has anyone found the details of the Gold Day TSV on Monday as yet? I've just received an email with a gorgeous bangle on it and hope that is it (as a good price of course!) TIA BB x
  6. BaxterBailey

    Laura Geller OTO's!!

    Just found this for all us LG fans... It's Laura Geller Baked Bites Infused Gloss Lush Lip Colour item Number 227980 priced £22.22 BB x
  7. BaxterBailey

    Parcelnet taking over deliveries fron RM

    Hi all, I was speaking to my parcelnet courier earlier in the week and he mentioned that they had taken over deliveries from Royal Mail. I haven't thought anything of it until now when I was ordering the Decleor OTO which would have normally be sent RM and it clearly states Parcelnet as the...
  8. BaxterBailey

    Anne Dawson

    Anyone know where Anne Dawson is? I haven't seen her for ages!
  9. BaxterBailey

    Leighton Denny OTO

    Leighton Denny French Diamonds - Item Number226360 One Time Only Price £16.98 P&P £3.45 Overall Rating 5 out of 5 Get everything you need to achieve the perfect French manicure at home with this French Diamonds kit from Leighton Denny. The set contains sheer pale cream Diamond Ivory or...
  10. BaxterBailey

    Why are QVC showing repeats?

    Just noticed that QVC are showing a repeat show from yesterday. Is it the weather - did I miss an announcement/explanation?
  11. BaxterBailey

    OMG what on earth is next with B&W

    Just watching now and item no 140539 has come up. Have a look for yourselves.....:11: and apparantly it's back instock after selling out last time. Sara G described it as a "school bag!:32:
  12. BaxterBailey

    Laura Geller Next TSV???

    Just been having a look on and there's a new LG kit on there which looks quite good and wondered if it's going to the next TSV. The item number is A85054 (sorry hopeless at links!) called the "kiss & bake up" collection and it has the new eye rimz included! QVC US have all the best...
  13. BaxterBailey

    Craig Rowe

    Has anyone else noticed the hours that Craig has are slowly dwindling (or is it just me???) It must be almost a year though since he won search for a presenter and the year contract?:33:
  14. BaxterBailey

    8/8/08 OTO's

    Just being having a nose about as the TSV looks like it's going to sell out. There's a Bare Escentuals OTO showing... bareMinerals Date Night Collection One Time Only Price £33.34 QVC Price £40.00 Item Number 224153 Availability In stock UK P&P£3.95 Overall Rating 5 out of 5 Ensure...
  15. BaxterBailey

    Beauty Clearance Items

    Hi all, I just found this Bare Escentuals kit with a clearance price - apologies if it's already posted somewhere. Looks fairly new to me aswell item number is 224874 if the link doesn't work - I'm not 100% on how to...
  16. BaxterBailey

    Kirks Folly

    Apologies if I offend anyone that likes this range but anyway.... Is anyone else bemused by tonights show - surreal is probably how i'd describe it. There's fairy dust, jewellery (some of it not that bad), dolls at £65!!!!!!! and Dale and the folly lady are sat there with a glass of the old...
  17. BaxterBailey

    Help needed.....

    Hello All, I'm just looking for some advice with regards my skincare and you all seem to have tried most of the ranges on QVC and are probably as qualified as our resident beauty expert AY!!!!!!. I suffer from an oily skin with breakouts especially on the jawline and under my chin but the...
  18. BaxterBailey

    Blueberry Quartz TSV Weds 9th July

    Anyone any ideas what this may be????? I love Blueberry Quartz and only have earrings so far..... anything other would be most attractive!!
  19. BaxterBailey

    Julia Robert's new do!!

    Just switched over and it appears JR has done the deed and had her locks pruned.... and coloured??????? Looks so much better IMO
  20. BaxterBailey

    Lola Rose TSV 15/7/08

    Have any detectives out there found out what this TSV may be? I want it already......:)