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  1. T

    why aren't they "allowed" to make claims for Proto-Col capsules?

    is it because they aren't true perhaps?
  2. T

    Ojon: Love the products, hate the man

    I don't really have much to add to that.
  3. T

    This doesn't sound too good...

    I just hope the new guy can turn round Fryatt's mistakes before they go under... Ideal Shopping Direct revealed it has incurred a worse than expected hit of £9.2m to its balance sheet, £7.5m more than previously expected. The extra costs came to light after the new management team at Ideal...
  4. T

    50% off??? I'm not sure

    Maybe I'm just having an elderly "moment" but I'm sure I've seen some of the items advertised as 50% off today at the same price in the last week or so. I will give Ideal the benefit of the doubt until someone has confirmed it is not just me being senile....