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    Cooks Essentials Electric Soup Maker TSV 26/9/12

    KWC, I was wondering the same thing - what is the benefit of a soup maker over a blender, saucepan and hob?
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    gift, gifting, giftable

    I'm liking your style, Akimbo :) Now another phrase that drives me potty - how good does that gift look now it's in a Lindy Bowman box? How happy are you about that? How hard did you train for this event? I know presenters, interviewers etc need to ask open questions but the "how" questions...
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    gift, gifting, giftable

    You should of told me your going to go on about grammar - I would of bought my dictionary with me :giggle:
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    gift, gifting, giftable

    It is laziness, really. It takes more words to say "this would be ideal to give as a gift" rather than "it's giftable", "we're hoping to be able to win a medal" instead of "we'll medal". I also like the correct use of the words but I think some people take a great delight in deliberately...
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    gift, gifting, giftable

    Yes, this seems to be a new trend. I first noticed it in the Olympics - the GB womens football coach said "we're hoping to medal" ??? Interesting how the English language evolves.
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    Rip off.

    Whatever the economic argument is for P&P, I still think they could do something like "1 P&P charge per order" or per day, but charging anything between £3 and £7 for each item really adds a lot onto the cost. I just bought a Last Clicks nightshirt for £10 with £3.95 P&P and I was thinking of...
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    carol hochman in last clicks

    Thanks, most of the pj's were in 2xl and 3xl but I got a nice sleepshirt in a (slightly) smaller size :) I bought a nightshirt and pj's from Primark last year but the stitching was so bad on both that after I'd washed them a few times the seams started coming apart and the buttons on the shirt...
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    Glan Campbell's fashion range, are we ready for it

    That's it - he didn't design anything in polyester so he has to find an alternative retailer. No "milky knit" "drapey knit" "crystal knit" or "carpy knit" for a man "of a certain age" for GC.
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    I've got a Centigrade faux shearling, I love it and have had lots of compliments.
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    Top rated beauty

    It's the skincare Phrase Pot - just throw them all in - Improved Luminosity, Dewy, Softens Lines Temporarily, Diminishes Your Pores, Gives You That Wide Awake Look etc ad infinitum. Guaranteed to suit all brands. Michel is patenting it as we speak. Allegedly. :wink:
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    Is charlie dimmock pregnant

    How rude :-( It's a wonder anyone over size 14 ever has the nerve to appear on TV any more with comments like this in such abundance.
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    Kipling TSV 5th Sept 2012

    Thanks SCW, my maths deserted me. Well, that might just save me from myself (or not) :grin:
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    Goodbye and thanks!

    Bye Craftybel, hope you look in on the forum from time to time. I don't spend a fraction of what I used to on QVC, I simply don't watch so often and I find a quick look at My Account on the website keeps my spending in check :thinking:
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    Kipling TSV 5th Sept 2012

    I like the look of this, haven't bought a Kipling since my £8 bargain in TK Maxx in April. If it's on easy pay I might be tempted.
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    Bareminerals outlet

    Lucky me - just using up the last of a tiny pot of Clear Radiance this morning and thinking "oh it will soon all be gone" and it's in the Outlet show on 3 easy pays :clapping:
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    Lenovo tsv 02/09/2012

    I learned to touch type at evening classes after I left school. I used to take the typewriter home after class to practice. All the keys were covered with yellow plastic covers except the F & J which were red.
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    Catherine H and sensible

    I've got a credit card which I use for buying online, I would never use my debit card for this. I also use it for petrol and small purchases, I just set up a Direct Debit to pay the balance off in full every month, then I only spend what I can afford and there's no interest. It's a House of...
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    Candidate for a custard pie in the face

    Can I have 3 pies to throw please? I would like to nominate Richard Jackson - too smug, Michaela Yankee - clearly likes candles A LOT but doesn't seem to like talking to presenters much which is a bit of a drawback on a shopping channel and the Bibi Bijoux woman for no other reason than I just...
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    What the hell?

    [/B] Send him an email and he'll probably make one as a brooch encrusted with Swarovski crystals :blush:
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    'fess up time!

    A Centigrade fake sheepskin short coat (which everyone thinks is real), Diane Gilman jeans, a stretch suede jacket which I've had for years but still looks new (even the drycleaner remarked what good quality it is), a pair of fleece Carol Hochman pyjamas and half a dozen pairs of Birkies...