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    Lulu Album

    Fortunately, me. Until now :mysmilie_51:
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    The over gushing Chloe

    I saw them this week and Carla said something about the dress she was selling was ideal to attract men and Chloe was about to talk about some sunglasses, saying "I adore these sunglasses" but Carla thought she was saying "I adore men". Chloe was at pains to keep talking about the sunglasses not...
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    Lulu Album

    Next stop Eurovision.
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    Yong Kim ?????

    That's fine as long as they don't persist with this fantasy that there's a real Yong sitting at a desk drawing waistcoats and crinkly tops all day.
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    Yong Kim ?????

    I think Ingrid needs a script and then she'll praise anything. The Yong Kim promo is shocking, they've stuffed all the clichés in - classic with a twist, never dates, dress it up and down etc and she delivers it with no imagination at all but they still broadcast it. Time to confess - I have...
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    Yong Kim ?????

    According to Ingrid, the mysterious Yong Kim doesn't come over here because she doesn't like flying. If so, why haven't we seen a photo of her or she could do a phone in. Gale Hayman doesn't appear but we know she exists - doesn't she ?????
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    Yankee Candle TSV 07/05/2015

    Do you use them in a smaller room or burn 2 or 3 together to get some fragrance from them? I find I have to have my nose right up to them to smell them whereas the large jars or melts are more effective in the kitchen or living room.
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    Elemis TSV 12/04/2015

    I'm a big fan of Elemis when I can afford it, particularly PCMC and the Pro Radiance Cleanser but I'm giving this one a miss. This morning Keeley and AK said most of the products will last about 2/3 months and with it on 4 EP's you'll still be paying for it after it's long gone. The July one...
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    Alison is a Gem

    I think she's really interesting to listen to when the presenters let her get a word in. She doesn't gabble on. I've been trying to think who she reminds me of and I think she's like a grown up Jessie J.
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    Lulu Album

    Blimey, I didn't realise there was so much in my comparatively short post to pick apart and analyse - or 'crib at'. In terms of music being the only thing Lulu knows or wants to do, that's clearly not the case - skincare, jewellery to name but two other money making ventures and before you pick...
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    Yankee Candle TSV 07/05/2015

    "Tarts" :wink: Much better word but I'm 'on message' now....
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    Summer Beauty James Reed TSV 8/5/15

    Never mind all the young, famous lovelies who probably get copious free bottles of the stuff, is it ANY GOOD for a 50 something, pale and interesting, works full time woman such as myself who only usually uses the wash off types of tan because the others are too much trouble?
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    Yankee Candle TSV 07/05/2015

    What is the point of having a vast set of votives they sell sometimes? I only tend to buy them for decoration, they look nice in the tall votive holders but they hardly give any scent off when you burn them. Much prefer the melts, would like an interesting set of them this time.
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    Summer Beauty James Reed TSV 8/5/15

    I do believe Jessie J and Ellie Goulding can actually spray themselves!!
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    Lulu Album

    Just seen Lulu on the Andrew Marr Show and she was ok. Not my style and I won't be buying but at least she looked the part unlike Madge who dresses more like Cher every day. Let's face it, most of them are attention seekers. The ones with the best voices don't have to try so hard for attention...
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    I think you'll find she's bringing out a monogrammed onesie in Blush and Taupe.
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    Invicta watches / Coat hangers

    I confess I bought some velour covered coat hangers from Homebase a while ago, they were in a big "discount" box, I can't remember what I paid for them but they are good as they have a hook built in so I can cascade them in my wardrobe so they save space. I don't know if they're colourfast like...
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    Empty Nester Alert - support needed!

    Well, here I am two weeks in. We now Skype once a week and text in the week and he's fine. I'm very busy at work but the weekends are so quiet, I've got to find something to occupy myself but I don't want a big commitment like charity work yet. I think once I get used to it, I'll be ok. My...
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    Invicta watches / Coat hangers

    I can't comment on the watches, I never watch them, I can't find the time .... as for the coathangers, you're missing the point, Julius, these are very SPECIAL, MAGIC coat hangers, your clothes don't constantly fall off and end up on the floor, don't you want to pay a premium price for this...
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    Fake talking! Aaaaaaaargh!

    What they think it looks like "we presenters are having such a good time, join us!!" What we see - they're having a private joke at our expense and having to interrupt it to do some presenting....