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  1. Elliementary

    Radley TSV 29/04/17

    Happily/unhappily (not sure which), I do not have a Debenhams Card. I'll just have to hope there's another sale when the next bank holiday comes around, at the end of May.
  2. Elliementary

    Matching handbags & shoes?

    The Radley TSV thread reminded me of something I was reading on the internet, the other day. It was a blog post (with replies), asking if readers thought that matching shoes & bags was a good look, or a bit dated. I've noticed, as I get older (ahem, 53), I'm leaning more towards matching, than...
  3. Elliementary

    The Huntley and her dress. Err, jumpsuit

    That's the funniest thing I've heard, for ages!
  4. Elliementary

    Radley TSV 29/04/17

    Radley have up-dated 'Borders' with their 'Boundaries' range: they even make reference to the change, in their blurb on 'Boundaries'. I'm afraid I have rather fallen for the new style, and have the medium grab bag/crossbody in three colours. The 25% off, is only until Monday, apparently...
  5. Elliementary

    Radley TSV 29/04/17

    Gorgeous bag, Mazza. Hope you enjoy using (or, should that be wearing?) it.
  6. Elliementary

    Dyson Hairdryer

    I've been trying to work out who SH is, but still haven't figured it out. I always thought it was JR who had her begging bowl out, when it came to freebies. Please, put me out of my misery, and tell me who SH is? I will be eternally grateful!
  7. Elliementary

    Kathy in morning fashion show

    I thought she was really rude, correcting Aisling's pronunciation of, 'bolero'. I mean Aisling actually works in fashion; Kathy just kinda dabbles.
  8. Elliementary

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    If she's a 'different type of plant', perhaps she's related to Richard???
  9. Elliementary

    Radley TSV 29/04/17

    It looks very like their 'Borders' style. I thought it had been retired, as they are now carrying 'Boundaries', as an up-dated style.
  10. Elliementary

    Another Yankee show cancelled!

    I stopped burning yc because of the smoking, and the strong smell of parrafin, instead of any discernible 'fragrance'. I still use the wax melts, although I'm using more WoodWick than yc, these days.
  11. Elliementary

    WHAT does he look like?

    I know we all have our own sense of fashion & style, but seriously? A sweater worn over the shoulders, and tied in front, can look quite stylish, but worn OVER a jacket? Noooooo! :mysmilie_13: Maybe it's just me, but I think it looks ridiculous. (I'm talking about 'fashion-stylist' Glen, on...
  12. Elliementary

    Look at this monstrosity

    When I clicked the link to have a look, I mis-read the title as, 'Join Clothes Shapeless Jumpsuit'.
  13. Elliementary

    MarlaWynne Fashion TSV 21/02/17

    No Marla, again, and a top that could easily pass as that of any QVC US 'designer', by the looks of it. For a while, Marla's range was fresh and interesting, but is now starting to look like QVC same old. Perhaps that's why she no longer visits. Another one bites the QVCUK-fashion dust?
  14. Elliementary

    What does she look like

    I miss Lenny.
  15. Elliementary

    Who said QVC was boring?

    I've been watching the Marla Wynne shows, on & off, today, and I have to say, they really have been BORING. It looks like the shine has gone from this range; I used to really look forward to seeing her new stuff. Marla, herself, seems to have given up coming over, and although Lesley is very...
  16. Elliementary

    Antthony Fashion Designs TSV 25/01/17

    His time at YSL doesn't seem to have left a lasting impression.
  17. Elliementary

    Now you see 'em...

    I've not seen Ginetta (Vicenza), for a long time. Has she been thrown over in favour of Bronzo Italia? They have a couple of pieces of 'Vicenza Style' on the website, so it does look as though she has also bitten the (diamonique) dust.
  18. Elliementary

    sale fashion

    I've been dipping in and out of the Marla Wynne shows, and am seeing a lot of stuff, that I can't recall having seen before. It makes you wonder if they drag out this stuff, specially, just for sale-time.
  19. Elliementary

    QVC Style Presenter

    Does anyone know her name? I think she said, 'Aileen', something earlier today, but I didn't catch the surname. I've also seen her on the 'Not On The High Street' Christmas ad, so she's probably not a QVC 'Lifer'. Thanks!
  20. Elliementary

    Middle class QVC ?

    Ah, QVC & Daily Mail ... a match made in heaven.