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    Daniel Green

    Ahh, so true :3:
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    General items that have come and gone...why?

    Alexandra Elliot disappeared into the ether too, didn't she? And is it my memory, or did they give that awful Octoberfest thing a miss last year?
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    Theme Days.........

    Craft Days I find annoying only because they're always on when I'm at work lol. Hate Beauty Day, Fashion Day, Gold Day etc. Zzzzzzz. If you want to look at gold all day, go and stand outside a jewellers! :-)
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    Urine Geller

    Not a fan of his, and definitely not a fan of his jewellery. It makes me laugh when he goes on about "designing" it. It's the most plain and basic stuff imaginable! The sort of jewellery you'd find in any run-of-the-mill gift shop. Does he use some sort of subtle brainwashing/subliminal method...
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    Beauty brands which have come and gone...and why?

    Now there's a worrying:33: thought.
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    Daniel Green

    I'm afraid I have to agree. I think he's so intent on being slick that maybe his real personality doesn't come across enough, and it makes him hard to warm to. He'll hopefully become more "human" in time. And will hopefully stop reminding me SO much of Alan Cumming lol Love Claire, though...
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    All about pets hour today

    Dogs shouldn't be forced into clothes like Barbie dolls. It does make me wonder if it's a way for their owners to get attention
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    General items that have come and gone...why?

    I've often wondered what happened to that range. My mum loved it, so it was good for buying pressies! :1:
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    General items that have come and gone...why?

    I've had two of their swivel sweepers, and both died on me within a few months. A friend of mine had one too, and his went the same way. Obviously why the manufacturers were getting rid of them on QVC!!
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    CRAFT TSV 23/24 March 2009

    The TSVs they've had lately take all the imagination out of crafting. It's cardmaking by numbers, basically.
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    Clair Sutton

    Love Claire, she's great. Very likeable and sometimes childlike, which is endearing and fun! I prefer that to the overt "sucking up" approach used by other nameless QVC ladies.
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    Monday TSV

    Sorry, just found response elsewhere. Not sure how to delete though.
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    Pippa Vanderburg

    Oooh, that "yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah" thing really annoys me too! So many people on TV do it these days. Don't they know that less is more? :1: And why do they want to sound like 14-year olds anyway?
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    Sarah Griffiths

    I like Sara, she doesn't have the ego problem that some of the QVC gals have. She also has a good sense of humour, which makes her hours quite fun. She has had some questionable fringes in the past though, I have to say. :) And she doesn't look anywhere near 40, does she?