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  1. B

    Uri Geller, any port in a storm?

    LOL. I knew he'd use MJ's name to plug his junk jewellery. Dreadful man. Incidentally, the documentary tonight revealed that Geller only knew MJ for four years, anyway. And to watch him touting poor Michael, his dear "friend", so obviously exhausted, ill and miserable, around Geller's own...
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    "Being a care assistant, I do think QVC care for their customers..."

    So much more entertaining than saying how Nice everyone is, though. No-one gets a laugh out of that. :1:
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    My presenter switch off..

    Love Claire, but Ali Keenan makes me want to throw water balloons at her for babbling INCESSANTLY over anyone she happens to be working with. I feel sorry for Dawn Bibby when she has to try to explain craft techniques over the top of that constant noise pollution! I think for coyness overload...
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    Charlie Dimmock

    Goodness me, If she does, then Julia will have to make sure she wobbles hers faster. :23:
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    Grrrrrrrrr !

    What about when Anne Dawson ends every item with "...izzzzz yourrrr item numberrrrrrrr"? I hope she doesn't stop doing it, though - I've perfected my impression now. :1:
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    Kathy -looking good!

    I like Kathy too - she looks lovely and seems like a really nice, normal person. And she doesn't insist that she wears a "small" size in everything, or accuse the models of upstaging her. Ahem.
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    Lazy English

    I agree! Sometimes he does so many "mmmmmmm-hmmmmm"'s and "ahhhhhh"'s that you can just tell he's thinking about Scotland's preformance in the 1978 world cup or something equally unrelated! :1:
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    Lazy English

    My favourite gibberish comment was uttered by Simon Biagi on a craft hour. He was selling some sort of alphabet product, and said something along the lines of "and there are also plenty of I's, which are always popular.." LOL
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    Current item Marcel Drucker watches

    I'd been wondering what had happened to Marcel too. Only ever had one of his watches. I liked it, but it kept sending my arm green. The metal also became very blistered on the underside of the watch, so I ended up sending it back. Oh well!
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    Go Julia! You tell 'em girl!

    It's a wonder Julia didn't accuse her of trying to upstage her by showing too much foot!! :1:
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    Daniel Green has left

    Knew he wouldn't last long. Wasn't really QVC material.
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    Craft Day TSV

    Not sure I could cope with a holiday with Dawn, and her saying "Oh you've got sunburn. Look at the blisters onto it". LOL
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    Kanban day

    Perhap they could change their name to KVC. (Actually, now I'm wondering what KFC really stands for.. :5:)
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    Won't someone please have a word with Dawn Bibby about her inappropriate use of the word "onto"? It makes me want to sharpen my pokey tool! For instance, last night she held up some glittery chipboard letters and said "Look at the sparkle onto them!" Argh. She does it all the time. "This one has...
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    Craft day tsv

    I'm torn between Little Bo Peep and a five year old in her first party frock, but I think the reality might be that she's gone a bit over-the-top with the Lulu Guinness worship.. Kind of nice that she went to the trouble though, I suppose!
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    Yankee Candles

    Love Yankee candles. I wouldn't buy them from QVC, though. The packages are too expensive, and there's always something you don't want. Might as well buy the ones you do like from a shop, or from And I don't find most of the ceramic burners etc that attractive.
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    Dreamkeeper with Pipa last night

    Aw, Andrea was lovely as the Kirk's Folly model. They've never found anyone as good to replace her. I remember Julia almost brought her to tears one day with a catty comment. Andrea clipped a brooch in her hair, or something, and Julia made a remark about her trying to steal the limelight...
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    Craft Day TSV

    No interest in making ginormous cards. Oh well, maybe the next TSV.. *sigh*
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    Craft Day TSV

    Oh no, Kanban AND decoupage. Together at last. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
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    Kathy Tayler

    I think Kathy looks fab with longer hair. Much softer and prettier.