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    Leonie Pujol

    I really like Leonie, and feel a bit sorry for her having to fake interest in all those deathly dull CD-rom presentations, when we all know she likes to get down and dirty with the old inkpads and be properly creative.
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    Kanban TSV 15th April

    Ooh. Kanban. That'll be a nice change.
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    Julia in the Beauty Hour just now

    But Julia's high instep and daaaancer's calves and/or feet are legends in their own lifetime, and should really have a show of their own by now. Or perhaps they already do - she seems to put her foot in it in most of her hours these days...
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    Beverley Knight Comes to QVC!!!

    Singing live? What next? Ventriloquism and plate-spinning? Dancing dogs? (No, I'm not referring to the famous tap-dance routine from a while back. Tsk, as if..) :angel:
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    Julian will you please......

    And if he could also stop announcing the price of items in an incredulous "can this be right? Why, that's too cheap to be believed!!!!" sort of voice, I, and quite possibly the rest of the world, would be truly grateful. Thank you. (Oh, and if he can do anything about the incessant gabbling...
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    For goodness sake Jilly..........

    Jilly would look so much better with a hair cut. It always looks greasy (although I'm sure it isn't really) and very, very dated. However much she dresses up, her hair always drags her back down. I think she's maybe a bit scared of change, but she'd probably love it when she got used to it. Like...
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    Just Wondering Any News ?

    Hopefully there's not more to the "JJ is missing" story than meets the eye.
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    Dawn Bibby

    I suppose with JJ stuck overseas (if that is the case), no Leonie to fall back on, and Paula Pascual ill in bed, it must have been quite a testing day for the Bibster. She did remarkably well, considering.
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    John Barrowman comes to QVC

    That was a fab hour of TV! I LOVE John Barrowman - he lights up every show he's on, with his energy, sparkle, and unstoppable sense of fun. Certainly the liveliest hour of QVC I've ever seen! I didn't stop smiling the whole time he was on. :mysmilie_687:
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    Julia R

    Not a fan of Julia, but there's one thing about her - she doesn't gabble all the time so that you can't hear what the guests are saying, unlike Julian, and Alison Keenan. Those two make me want to slap them. They don't let anyone finish a ruddy sentence without yelling over the top. So rude and...
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    9am EMU boot show

    Is there really that much call for footwear for emus anyway?
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    Has Julia had something done?

    Perhaps she got the idea after seeing Debbie Flint, whose face seems strangely china-dollish for a woman of her age.
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    Anna Griffin

    Ooh, good news. Thanks SCW.
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    Anna Griffin

    Ahh, I see. Thanks for the info!
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    Anna Griffin

    Has Anna Griffin finished on QVC now? I saw an ad in a US scrapbooking mag announcing her premiere show on the HSN channel, so presumably we won't be seeing her over here any more..?
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    JR writing a book

    Bravo to all concerned - this is a masterpiece! :mysmilie_687:
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    Debbie Flint returning?

    Ooh, that's quite exciting. Not sure how she'll fit in now, but she was huge fun when she was on QVC before. And so pretty. Can we get Lavers back next, then? :cheeky: (We'll give Rob Locke a miss - he was a bit emotionally self-indulgent, I thought)..
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    Does anybody know when Anne Dawson is coming back?

    She might have been really sick for all we know. Doesn't mean to say she'd want everyone to know.
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    Uri Geller, any port in a storm?

    He did indeed recommend the Bashir thing to MJ. After which followed new accusations, and the trial which eventually brought about Michael's ultimely, tragic end...
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    Uri Geller, any port in a storm?

    Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers his abrupt change of heart. Uri seems to have blotted it out of his memory, that's for sure.