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  1. TopCat

    9 Piece French Heritage Skincare Collection

    Received mine this morning, and all the Decleor stuff is missing!!! Will have to call customer services. Pah!!!
  2. TopCat

    9 Piece French Heritage Skincare Collection

    Ordered one - thanks!!
  3. TopCat

    L'Occitane AD

    It's the cherry blossom one.
  4. TopCat

    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    If it has pockets and lots of compartments I might be tempted - but I doubt it will have - it will be a big bucket of a bag that all ya stuff gets lost in.... i hate that
  5. TopCat

    Yet Another Archos.....

    I have one - somewhere... Never use the thing!
  6. TopCat

    Lottie Duncan's Cakes last week, Jules Destrooper Biscuits today.

    If you want lovely biccies - look no further that ASDA's own make 'Chocolate Chip Digestives' in purple packaging... I had a pack in the cupboard for a couple of know when you fancy a biccie, and there is only the boring ones... Well, begrudgingly I opened this pack to have with a...
  7. TopCat

    Beauty brands which have come and gone...and why?

    I remember Syence skincare - the representative (male) had the most beautiful sensual hands when he did the demos... And there was the 'Spectacular' make up range, where you got eye colours, lips, nails, face products, all together in bumper packs... Oh oh and Hydron skincare - I used to love...
  8. TopCat

    Laura Geller TSV - 30/04/09

    That kit looks lovely - I want one!!!
  9. TopCat

    Interesting - Daniel Green's books

    Modelling??? hahahahahhaaaa eeeeeee funny as..........
  10. TopCat

    Casual Dazzle Fashion

    Yet more polyester.... jeeezzzzzz.......
  11. TopCat

    Kathy Van Zeeland TSV

    ...and it looks like it weighs a ton empty.... Awful, just awful.
  12. TopCat


    But does it do stairs??? I hate doing stairs with either an upright or a cylinder - Much prefer a handheld, but not found one with enough suck to get all the pesky little cat hairs out of the corners.
  13. TopCat

    Kipling : leather v other materials

    My thoughts exactly!
  14. TopCat

    Philosophy TSV Auto-Delivery

    Courier for me too...
  15. TopCat

    Philosophy TSV Auto-Delivery

    I received an email telling my mine has been shipped two days ago - but I have not received it yet....
  16. TopCat

    Mally discovery set

    I have ordered it, and waiting for delivery any day I'll let you know how I get on with it!
  17. TopCat

    L'Occitane TSV - 14/02/09

    I have caved in and ordered it on Auto Delivery - I jusy love getting parcels!!!!
  18. TopCat

    I Love Mally!

    I enjoyed the show - I have ordered the concealer, and the five peice kit to try.
  19. TopCat

    Charlie bears...all sold out!

    I have one of the Charlie Bears - I adore it! The quality is exceptional, and the bears could be sold at double the price!!! I collect Steiff Bears, and Charlie bears are just as well made. In fact, IMO, Charlie bears are better than the Steiff Cosy bears.
  20. TopCat

    Bare Escentuals TSV 1st Feb

    I have ordered it as a treat to myself for working 14 days without a day off - the overtime will pay for it!