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  1. TopCat

    SCW... Help!

    Lidl sell them for under a fiver - that's where I got one from!
  2. TopCat

    Am I seeing things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She's too old to be dropping sprogs....
  3. TopCat

    Cooking Mats..

    eeee I got my ones from Poundland and Boyes as well!!!
  4. TopCat

    Advance Notice of Tignanello TSV

    Yup - looks ok in the video - I like the two compartments, and the satin metal colour... Bet we don't get the colour choice though!
  5. TopCat

    Advance Notice of Tignanello TSV

    It does look boring in that colour - if there are some summery colours I might be tempted...
  6. TopCat

    Smashbox TSV 17/5/11

    Looks lovely - It's ages since I have had any Smashbox, so I just might treat myself!
  7. TopCat

    Kitchenaid TSV 23rd March

    I must have a Cream Artisan - I MUST!!!
  8. TopCat

    Come Shop with Me

    Introducing George Simonton as..... 'The Embalmed Man'
  9. TopCat

    B&W TSV Sun 20th Feb

    ...and the sad thing is, some people will buy the hideous things!!!
  10. TopCat

    Kipling TSV 30 Jan

    ...and a poor review already!! Ha ha... I am going to treat myself to a new Radley...
  11. TopCat

    Kipling TSV 30 Jan

    I don't like it - the handles are way too long for me. My money is safe!
  12. TopCat

    Kipling TSV 30 Jan

    The Fairfax is a decent enough bag, but the grab handles are too long for me.
  13. TopCat

    Kipling TSV 30 Jan

    The Inca is my fave bag - I hope that's the TSV!!
  14. TopCat

    £4.45 postage for 1 can of hairspray

    Do as I do - go to Boots, and pay less than the price of the P&P for a can of Ellnette, best hairspray in the world, IMO...
  15. TopCat

    L'Occitane TSV Sunday 24th Oct

    I feel very virtuous.... Wanted both options, but resisted. Bought a lovely Pears shower gel from Morrisons today for £1.89, then ordered myself the Estee Lauder Professional Colour Collection that's on offer on their website for £49 if you buy a bottle of perfume.... ....and still cheaper...
  16. TopCat

    Fizbag Foldaway Bags

    Don't pay QVC prices and P&P - I got mine from another website, where if you buy more than five, it's free P&P. They are great bags, very roomy, and fold up really small.
  17. TopCat

    5th sept kipling tsv

    I ordered the Fairfax in the new leopard print, on easy pay.... I might order my Mum one, for her birthday this month.
  18. TopCat

    Kitchenaid TSV 6 Sept

    ooooooooooo I have the Kitchenaid blender in cream - the 'mixer' in cream would be great for me!!!
  19. TopCat

    5th sept kipling tsv

    It would be great if there was a purse to match with the TSV.... But I suppose that's too much to ask!
  20. TopCat

    Lovely quilted throw, bargain price.

    I keep having a stroke of them he he he... Absolute bargain, and I used my three easy pay voucher, should have got a couple more!