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  1. M

    Refresh Your Garden TSV 13/03/22

    Always enjoy garden shows when showing various plants etc but always mute when Jill Gauntlet is on that woman gets on my thrupenny bits
  2. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    Turned into a watch selling channel stopped watching now
  3. M

    Garden Pick of the Month

    Looking forward to opening cardboard box i stored stored some dahlia and begonia tubers in a bit sad i know but i love the prospect of spring and flowers to come not from qvc though to expensive given what bills are in store for all of us shortly
  4. M

    Plants2Gardens TSV 28/01/22

    I live in Edinburgh not in a crummy part but i know what you mean mind you most cities have crummy parts
  5. M

    Garden Bargains gone??

    I suggested this last week could be negotiating a new contract seems odd though
  6. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    That will be a novelty make a change from bloody watches
  7. M

    Root booster

    Its the prices that get me £35 for fat balls dear god as for RJ don't get me started
  8. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    Just wondering garden shows not on recently perhaps a change there who knows might just be to early in year
  9. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    If ps had exposed himself like that in the street he would have been arrested what a fecking clown he is he is
  10. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    I enjoy from time to time watching the garden shows in case there may be something of interest but please tell me i am not the only one who find H Green a pain in the T**s
  11. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    Amusing if it was not serious voldervont yesterday selling £500 adjustable heated armchairs saying treat yourself buy more than one are they oblivious to the fact that many people very soon are going to he jobless because of the lunacy we have been led into
  12. M

    Outdoor living & garden🤔😡😄

    Seaweed and phostrogen do the business for me
  13. M

    Outdoor living & garden🤔😡😄

    To be fair so does many other just as good feeds for a fraction of his prices
  14. M

    Garden Pick of the Month

    They are having a laugh are they not summer bedding for 2021 what on earth is that about give me strength
  15. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    Wish they would put a zip on his gob
  16. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    as long as you are 6ft apart :ROFLMAO:
  17. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    Reminds me of the dads army episode when pike was allegedly being called up when Frazer a true scot like my self said he has been a good boy i suggest a collection maximum sixpence:) come to think of it you could probable do a lot with sixpence in 1940 ish
  18. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    I wondered why i was forgetting things :ROFLMAO: and before anyone says it i am not making light of dementia simply having a light hearted joke
  19. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    I think that one would bomb
  20. M

    Random musings and general banter.

    Loved P Simon last night first it was a benico fan then it was a bonico fan his gob opens before his brain is in gear