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  1. S

    confession time

    Queenie as you are confessing !, I think you should watch a few hours of Ideal World and some of the infomercial channels, to wash away your sins.....:wink2::wink2::cheeky::flower:
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    Robin Hood is on QVC - 7pm hour...

    I think this should be the other way round !...robbing us poor to feed the rich QVC !. Perhaps she thought PTO meant "put this on " ?? :cheeky:
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    Debbie Flint returning?

    Same here !, I switch over if hes on.....he is like the "safe" version of Mogadon (sleeping tablet !) :flower:
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    What is happening on 09.09.09?

    Lets face facts !, QVC are not going to give us anything much are they ??, I'm sure it wouldn't break them to give us 99p postage all day, but do we think they will ????? I don't, if they did they would only do it on small items so they don't lose too much !. I'm being really cynical, but of I...
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    Debbie Flint returning?

    Does anyone else remember the black shirt he used to wear that was full of sparkly bits ?, I thought it was lovely :flower:
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    Emu tsv?

    I have just found some childrens Emus on a site called Puddle beach and the ones I like are £46.19, they are the ones with bands around and sort of a toggle on them !, I am a little bit tempted :flower:
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    Debbie Flint returning?

    I loved Debbie doing the Christmas shows !!, put her on with the Pom poos man it would be great entertainment !...
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    Emu tsv?

    They do look very comfy and warm !, but can anyone tell me about the sizes ?....I take about a size 2 and a half (at the most !), but think the adult size 3 will be too big !, what are the childrens like ?, are they the same as the adults (only smaller !), do they have the sole removeable bit in...
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    Just seen Catherine Huntley

    I like Catherine !, she nearly always looks good, I like her dress sense, she does her homework, a pleasure to watch !.
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    Julians Gran

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    What have you resisted lately?!

    Well \I have been a "very good girl" not bought anything for ages !!, well I did try and order the sonic toothbrush but it hasnt turned up, so I got one elsewhere !.:flower:
  12. S

    Just seen Catherine Huntley

    I see what you mean !, wonder if she has "leg warmers on " ??? :flower:
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    Julians Gran

    Me too !.... Off topic abit , but I had the shock of my life when my Grandparents and Great grand father (who I never met !), turned up the other week on "who do you think you are" the one with Kim Cattrall :11::11::11::11:, they where in the wedding picture as it was my Aunty getting married !.
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    Film characters ?

    A great choice !, perhaps Charlie could be the "wimpish" Ashley Wilkes and Anthony or Dale or even Simon as Rhett Butler, cant think of who could play the lovely Melanie role ???
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    Julians Gran

    Me too !, I talk about ny "Nanny Roe" all the time and she died in 1984 !, it sort of helps to keep the memory alive !, so keep doing it Julian for all the other Grans, Nans, Nannys, Grannys etc in the country :flower:
  16. S

    I saw them first!

    I'm sure an aspiring "shop lifter" would be well pleased with the pockets !.
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    Returns - no comment

    Consider that your "first warning" Ruthmay !! :flower:
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    QVC Christmas panto

    Kim and co could provide the "Christmas sparklers" , all that static would make a good show !. Has to be Quacker factory for the outfits !. The man (cant think of his name ?) who does the Christmassy bits "Dexter" ???, would be Santa. now who could be the ugly sisters ...
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    QVC Presenters' theme tunes

    With all the talk of "returns" what about ... Return to sender ? AY appearing with any other "beauty expert"..... This town aint big enough for the both of us ! .
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    Shrewsbury outlet - Anyone been recently?

    Surely this says alot for QVC fashion :thinking2::thinking2::angel: