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  1. C

    Vionic Footwear with FMT TSV 17/10/14

    Another TSV from Vionic. Not the weather for flipflops or sandals and those bog ugly backless clogs made of plastic, or faux leather if you want to sound posh. I spent a while reading the reviews for this brand and half the products with reviews score between 1 and 3 stars out of 5! I'm...
  2. C

    Nina Leonard TSV 14/10/14

    High end! Haaaaa ha ha ha ha ;-) My favourite was when Catherine feeling confident with her slimmed down body suggested that we all do what she did...tuck in the top to the trousers and pretend it's a jumpsuit! Not blooming likely! Tuck in a clingy fabric top into clingy fabric trousers? I...
  3. C

    Butler & Wilson aka Alibaba?

    The £58 a Pink Flamingo sold out the other day...awwww But if you don't mind buying a few hundreds for 50cents each, and flog the spare on EBay as 'Buster and Walton' then you're onto a winner
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    Nina Leonard TSV 14/10/14

    Seems not. But whatever it is, I hope Lenny is back. That will make my week if the crazy guy is back. He never fails to make me laugh and smile. I know he's a Marmite type, but I love Marmite too so... :-)
  5. C

    Butler & Wilson aka Alibaba?

    I missed the first 15mins of tonight's BCC show but from what I saw, I noticed Mr B&W kept his head down. He didn't present his item because it conveniently sold out before it aired. What little I did see of him he didn't lol happy. Oh dear. I am not going to look for the item on Alibaba this...
  6. C

    Allergic to products.

    You have my empathy. I've had similar problems as you can see in my eye care thread. I've lost a small fortune on postage charges. Live and learn eh. As for Laura Geller and other products, you really should try EBay. There are plenty of QVC Liverpool employees on there who sell stuff about...
  7. C

    So Who's buying what?

    I was almost tempted to but Peony flaaaars but luckily they sold out too quickly ;-) Seriously though, I really liked Julie's Mum! She's so lovely and seemed more concerned about wanting to give the emotional model a hug and talking about breast cancer than sell the product. Really nice lady. I...
  8. C

    qvc dictionary

    Did anyone notice Craig and Ali laugh about the word 'Facialist'? It was during the Sarah Chapman part of BCC show, and Ali said Sarah is a facialist, and not to worry because that's a real word and a real job, then Craig started laughing loudly in the knowing sort of way. They've read or been...
  9. C

    Ali K

    She really did look beautiful tonight, and reading that poem...crying now just remembering it. Very brave woman to even be on live TV right now, let alone do a show about breast cancer. She's incredible.
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    Oops sorry, our posts clashed. I was writing my new thread about Ali, posted it, then read this post after it.
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    Ali K

    Ali has said her oncologist has found new lumps at her six month checkup so she is having an MRI scan on Wednesday this week. She said she is scared, which is probably a complete understatement bless her. I've never been an Ali fan but this is different to her habits annoying when selling...
  12. C

    qvc dictionary

    For a while, whoever was in charge of advertising things on the QVC Twitter account kept using the 'crushing' as in, 'We are crushing on this dress', in other words, ' We really love this dress'. It drove me bonkers. I haven't noticed them do it for a few weeks, but that may be that I am just...
  13. C


    I am totally in love with Craig Rowe! He has been truly amazing on the BCC show. The way he looks at Ali when she's talking, and Letitia, and the hugs he is obviously giving them off camera, and that look in his eyes...OMG what a gorgeous, sweet, touching man! He has surprised me so much...
  14. C

    Butler & Wilson aka Alibaba?

    I've got to stop searching because I'm finding everything I've ever bought on ther for under one dollar! It's making me so angry...need to chiiiiiiilll ha ha. The Pierrot brooch that was on tonight is definitely the 50 US cents per item on Alibaba. Same spec and everything. That flew out...
  15. C

    Butler & Wilson aka Alibaba?

    As for the Pierrot brooch so much lauded and adored tonight that sold out? Don't worry. There's obviously lots of demand so get a job lot for 50cents each from Alibaba website and flog them for a few quid each. Cheaper than the £49 Butler and Wilson got off you all tonight! Here are the...
  16. C

    Butler & Wilson aka Alibaba?

    This might have been discussed before, sorry if it has. I was just browsing because it's surprising how many QVC products you find on there, being sold for under one dollar per piece ;-) And am shocked to find a Butler & Wilson bracelet I recognise! So B&W is just cheap stuff from...
  17. C

    QVC : no longer second only to JL.

    They will change to saying 'We are in the top three just behind John Lewis again.' And nobody will know they have dropped a place ;-)
  18. C

    Eye cleanser and moisturiser help please.

    Wow, so much great advice! Thanks everyone *blows kisses around* I've made a list of things you suggested to try, including checking my cotton pads and getting earbud thingies, so I'm going to be doing my own beauty trials soon. Hopefully one of the suggestions will work because it really does...
  19. C

    Emu TSV 4/11/14

    Oh pants! Another whole day of being told I requested the rubbish changes to the boots and got what I wanted. No I blooming didn't Missy! I was very happy with the old style as were thousands of others. It's just an excuse to stop people complaining that they cut production and material costs...
  20. C

    Liquid foundation, any recommendations? Please

    I've recently been using Clinique Repairwear Laser Focus in colour 01 - I'm porcelain. I use a brush to apply it for a smoother finish and to hide blemishes more. It is truly incredible! Like nothing I've tried before. It actually has the same ingredients in as the Clinque anti-aging skincare of...