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    Honora Pearls. Class or Trash?

    The Honora hot pick graduated 50cm necklace was a TSV last year around this time I think. I bought 2 for under £50 in the blue moon and the tuxedo I love them. I wear them more in the summertime really. I don't tend to wear a lot of jewellery but I like the pearls to wear with a nice outfit for...
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    Honora Pearls TSV on Monday the 30th April

    Saw a presenter modelling it, I don't think it i'll be getting it.
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    Beauty Weekend One Time Only Prices

    I went for the firm and brighten! I like the well rested and it will be good to have a travel size and try the eye treatment.
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    Ultrasun TSV - 28/04/12

    I've seen them demo the 50 and it looks just like the others.. glides in easily. I haven't tried it but looked quite good. The lip ones comes in a trio or I think it is available in the try me collection they were doing. Honestly I don't think it is worth it and I have seen it cheaper on Amazon...
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    Makeup shades being renamed- frustrating

    I've noticed they do this as well. Very annoying!! I think it goes against them to be honest. I've noticed that on the QVC US website they keep the original names. Johnnie from Laura Geller seemed to be annoyed that they now call the shade of BB that is Regular.. they now call Medium.. then...
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    Mally TSV 6/4/12

    It sounds like you have more of a pinkish undertone. If you are looking for another foundation, you could try Dainty Doll by Nicola Roberts (yes she has her own line!) and it's especially for girls with really fair skin! Also Illamasqua have really pale foundations. I have discovered those...
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    Suppose its just me

    It's not just you Lucy Loo.. she drives me nuts too!
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    I wish QVC UK would stock Tarte cosmetics...

    I agree Tarte should come to the UK!! I was just thinking this and thought this thread should be revived!! :D We should start a campaign!! :grin:
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    Have they still got ex strictly dancer Matthew Cutler doing the demos? He's a cutie :) I bought the zumba tsv set from last autumn and like it. I try it do it as often as I can.. I do like the extra target zones dvds as well.
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    Smashbox Pulling out of QVC UK

    Molton Brwon only seem to have people in their shops when the Telegraph or other papers have promotions on to get a free bottle of MB stuff! :giggle: Yes a Bobbi Brown tsv would be great but I can never see it happening either. It is very annoying that the US get many more auto deliveries than...
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    Smashbox Pulling out of QVC UK

    Nothing was said on the last smashbox shows I saw a couple of weeks ago but the girl (not Nina, the other one!) looked saddened and a bit red in the face when something was mentioned about Smashbox on qvc, but nothing about it ending. I thought that was a shame.
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    Smashbox Pulling out of QVC UK

    I buy more makeup on qvc than any other place. I rarely go to any department store! Also I think that QVC are missing a trick not having more exclusive brands from the US. Laura Geller and Mally are always extremely popular! They should start selling Tarte makeup, like they do in the US. It is...
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    Philosophy TSV on Friday the 13th April

    Received this yesterday and love it already! The fragrance is as lovely as I remember it from having the shower gel before and it is really nice for the summer time. I'm surprised this didn't sell out! The 27 wishes balm smells lavenderish with other herbs mixed in..a nice smell and very...
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    Lulu Guinness Accessories TSV Saturday the 21st April

    Does she sell her sunglasses on qvc?
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    Will Gowring

    I like Will.. she seems to be their social media correspondent.. keeping the facebook and twitter up to date as well as talking to guests about upcoming tsvs. The other day I was watching and one presenter said that Will had been at qvc for 15 years! I've been watching qvc on and off for over...
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    Laura Geller tsv just arrived!

    Thanks Slinky cat! I've tried the garnier bb cream and really didn't like it.. nothing like proper bb creams. I have one from Asia that a friend sent me from Hong Kong. The garnier light was really dark for me. I really like the concealer roll on though! I'm not overly impressed with the eye...
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    Mally news

    Best colour for my skin too! When I pumped some out the colour was a bit scary but is completely different on the skin! The packaging could be a bit better, the pump seems a bit loose but other than that I really like it :) You go girl! I'm sure your husband will think you look gorgeous!
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    Mally news

    Yes the texture is really nice :) and agree that it looks so natural! The blush as well.
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    Eyeko on QVC

    It's sold on ASOS and is a smaller beauty brand. Their mascara is their most well known item I think, it comes in a tube with a unique wand. I haven't tried it but have heard good reviews. I got a fat eye stick in a beauty box a couple of months ago and it wasn't that great, it creased on me but...
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    Philosophy TSV on Friday the 13th April

    Yeh the lipgloss doesn't look too good.. but I might give it away as part of a gift. The auto delivery seems to have sold out but earlier they said they only had 1500 spaces. Bought the Mally TSV but don't normally buy 2 tsvs so close together but I really love this fragrance!