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  1. Elliementary

    MarlaWynne TSV 5/4/19

    Not so long ago it was Nina Leonard, every other day. I wonder who's next on the, 'Flog-It-To-Death' list?
  2. Elliementary

    Debbie Flint-Oh dear!

    I've missed the bit about the charity deception. What did she do? Mind you, nothing would surprise me about Ms Flint. She really has got herself a reputation for being untrustworthy.
  3. Elliementary

    MarlaWynne TSV 5/4/19

    The 5 o'clock show has just started, and Melissa looks as if she's on a spa day - especially with those ugly sandals!
  4. Elliementary

    MarlaWynne TSV 5/4/19

    The 'pleats' on the upper-arm look a bit dodgy. They are fine on the models, but seemed to stretch over Melissa's biceps. Not a good look.
  5. Elliementary

    31/03/19 One Time Only Prices

    I really like those blue ones. I have an arrangement of burgundy hydrangeas in a fish bowl, from some years back, and a wall-wreath, also in burgundy, but with some greens and pinks, peeping through here and there. Generally, I find, 'Bloom' better than 'Peony', and have several of their...
  6. Elliementary

    every other day

    I remember when Q brought unusual items, that we couldn't buy elsewhere, and a wider variety of stuff. Now, it seems to be all about 'Brands'. Q seems to have lost its own brand, somewhere among Lulu Guinness, Lakeland & Philip Kingsley. They've lost the plot, as far as, Quality, Value &...
  7. Elliementary

    Well, who knew ????

    RL mentioned on one of her Thursday night Q shows, that she has extensions for volume, on the crown. She was quite open about it, not at all embarrassed. It's nice to hear someone in the public eye, be honest about having a little 'help'. Unless, of course, they're not telling us everything ...
  8. Elliementary

    Katie Pemberton

    She's a stylist, mostly on QVC Style, where she presents 'Style Your Wardrobe', at 4pm on Thursdays, ably assisted by Will.
  9. Elliementary

    MarlaWynne TSV 19/2/19

    There's a weird bit stitched on at the bottom, where she has created the splits. It looks like an afterthought, and not really what you'd expect to see on a 'high end' item.
  10. Elliementary

    Katie Pemberton

    I really enjoyed The Halcyon, but they cancelled it after only one series. Swines!
  11. Elliementary

    Katie Pemberton

    Many thanks, DG!
  12. Elliementary

    Katie Pemberton

    I have been trying to remember Katie Pemberton's maiden name, (as you do), but it won't come to me. Now it's driving me nuts, in that way that you know you should be able to remember something, but you can't quite get it. I know it's not exactly important, in the scheme of things, but can...
  13. Elliementary

    Heard it all now

    Cheese & onion. Cheese & ham. Yum.
  14. Elliementary

    Nina Leonard TSV 30/1/19

    Since Lenny died, I think NL has mostly produced seriously ugly garments. What do you think Cate sees, when she looks in the mirror?
  15. Elliementary

    Lids by design - sellotape for your eyelids - genius or ridiculous

    I hardly wear make-up anymore, SB, so can't comment on that, sorry. But when I'm layering skincare, I usually pat or press the stuff onto my skin, and I find I don't get any roll-off. Hope this helps.
  16. Elliementary

    Decleor TSV 06/01/19

    I've been very disappointed in the Decleor that I've purchased recently, and I also hate the messing around with formulations. I used to use Hydra Floral all the time, but now find my skin responding better to pcmc (especially the richer formula). I just hope that this recent buy-out will not...
  17. Elliementary

    Helene Berman...

    I'm pretty sure that's not the same person. Helene Berman, the hat & coat designer, has an, 'e', on her name, and is British, as far as I know.
  18. Elliementary

    Lids by design - sellotape for your eyelids - genius or ridiculous

    The only thing that stops my lids dropping, is Gale Hayman eye lift gel. I use it in the morning, and an eye cream, or just pcmc at night. If you've not tried it, I'd give it a go. Sometimes I pick it up at a good price on ebay. Just check the seller's feedback, to make sure they are a...
  19. Elliementary

    Helene Berman...

    I saw the show SCW mentioned. She did look good, but her face was completely immobile. If I looked like that at 83, I'd be delighted, but I doubt if I could afford it!
  20. Elliementary

    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies! / caught in the act!

    Ditto - and it stays there for ages!