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  1. Elliementary

    Elvie Kegel Pelvic Floor Trainer

    Cupid Stunts?:mysmilie_50:
  2. Elliementary

    Elemis TSV 15/9/19

    I've recently started using coconut oil under my moisturiser. I'm getting better results with it, than with any of the serums/aromessences/Uncle Tom Cobleys that I used before. It's taken care of my dehydration. No more menopausal outbreaks. Skintone is much more even. Sometimes I don't...
  3. Elliementary

    Oh my gosh Pipa

    I used to quite like Pipa, but this new persona is much less likeable. Many years ago, I remember her saying, that someone in the gallery said that she looked like the love child of David Bowie & Julian Clary. She didn't mind poking fun at herself in those days. Shame about the change.
  4. Elliementary

    Taking a trip down memory lane

    In the letter it includes the line: "Our presenters ask all the questions you would be asking if you were there yourself, so you know exactly what will be delivered to your door." You should quote that line on their fb page, May. Or email a copy to the CEO, and threaten to sue, for breach of...
  5. Elliementary

    Is QVC a dirty little secret?

    They're losing out on potential customers, really, but then again, image is all. :mysmilie_8:
  6. Elliementary

    Misleading videos

    Doesn't it look odd, though, with your lawn at four different stages of growth?
  7. Elliementary

    Prai neck cream

    I believe Joanna Lumley is a big fan of Imedeen. I know it's pricey, but I might take a look. No matter what range I am using, I always use jojoba oil under my moisturiser, at night. I think my neck might be beyond redemption, as it has had to support two sacks of spuds, for quite some time...
  8. Elliementary

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    This gave me the biggest giggle. I wondered what waster had the cheek to come round, and damage your house. I hope you gave him a good telling off! :mysmilie_17:
  9. Elliementary

    The Holiday Shop trailer ...

    When I see that trailer, I wonder how anyone can afford a holiday, after all the p&p on their holiday shopping.
  10. Elliementary

    WynneLayers TSV 08/06/19

    Julia's ****s are almost under her arms! Not a good look.
  11. Elliementary

    JR’s Blog

    They need to call these 'The Julia Show', so we all know what not to watch!
  12. Elliementary

    Received used item query

    Take some photos before the shoes go back. It's always useful to have proof.
  13. Elliementary

    SJ Bareminerals

    Drastic gastric?
  14. Elliementary

    Kelly (keep yer clothes on) Hoppen

    I see she hasn't got a "smile" trainer. :mysmilie_17:
  15. Elliementary

    Vonda Barnes

    "As you can see, there", drives me nuts, and Dale just drops it into his sentences, whether it makes sense, or not.
  16. Elliementary

    Oh No Jilly 10pm Monday

    I caught some of that show on the Style Channel repeat. They've put Jilly in some hideous outfits in the past, but that one tops the lot. Poor woman.
  17. Elliementary

    Debbie Flint dress

    Maybe they're not getting the midnight audiences, that they used to.
  18. Elliementary

    Annoyed with alpha h

    I used to swear by Elemis & Decleor, until quite recently, when I just wasn't getting the results, anymore. I have since gone over to the dark side (IW), and have tried some of the Elizabeth Grant sets. The individual products are quite pricey, but the sets are good value. So far, everything...
  19. Elliementary

    Elemis TSV 14/4/19

    Hermes charge £3.95, for weights up to 15Kg.
  20. Elliementary

    Debbie Flint-Oh dear!

    Thanks for that, Shopper. I very, very vaguely remember her doing something shady for her pal; that must have been it. I generally avoid watching her, now, but the last couple of times I did see her, she was announcing that items fell out of baskets after 15 minutes. Surely she should know...