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  1. tootsie

    Smashbox TSV December 17th

    I want it. Don't know what's in it but I know I want it.
  2. tootsie

    Items missing from needed, please

    I didn't get the e-mail either :( Is it not in your deleted items folder?
  3. tootsie

    Are they unique?

    I love watching, although I have went a bit mad this week, in a pre-wedding frenzy almost. I do enjoy the banter, I love that the studio know and respond to the viewers. I do prefer the traditional rising price auction though, I think we got better bargains then, but I can understand why they...
  4. tootsie

    A bracelet bonanza!!!

    Oh I adore the mutligem bracelet - what length is it? I hope you get it sorted
  5. tootsie

    Still can't login!

    Gah, it keeps saying |I am logged in but when I go to the main screen it says I'm not :(
  6. tootsie

    Still can't login!

    I was logged in earlier, tried to log in again later and I can't, and wasn't able to bid on the gorgeous tanzy pendant to match my earrings.
  7. tootsie

    Missing packages

    I really can't remember if he was Scottish or not, but I do wish I'd made a note of his name, I will do from now on!
  8. tootsie

    Missing packages

    I had ordered the Scandisk MP4 players for my kids for Christmas, and when they hadn't shown up after kjust over 2 weeks I phoned to ask for replacements to be sent out. The guy I was talking to was horrible! He insinuated that I had something to do with them going missing by saying they had...
  9. tootsie

    SanDisk Sansa Fuze 8GB MP3 Player TSV

    I got a red one and a blue one, I'm not sure which child will get which, but I've had my fill of expensive ipods lasting one month over the warranty before dying, these seem to be perfect :)
  10. tootsie

    SanDisk Sansa Fuze 8GB MP3 Player TSV

    I'm very tempted to get two of these for the kids for Christmas - have we decided if they are any good or not yet?:1:
  11. tootsie

    My First Purchase......

    I'm pleased that you're happy :) I have a kama necklace to checkout but want something else to keep it company, so I've not had the joy of a delivery yet!
  12. tootsie

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    My TSV was waiting for me when I got home on Tuesday. Nobody had been home so the postman had left it in the garden, under the trampoline - at least that's where the wind had blown it to, I have no idea of that's where it had been originally! I haven't had a chance to open it for a play yet...
  13. tootsie

    Friendly chat

    Honestly!! I missed all the fighting, and just happened upon all the smut :D
  14. tootsie

    Friendly chat

    Barry was fighting with a sticky peacock and a throbbing head - I kid you not!!!!
  15. tootsie

    Friendly chat

    Oh good, I just caught the tail end of it and noticed some people logging off because of it, though they didn't stay away for long :D The craic really was ace tonight, poor Barry :31:
  16. tootsie

    Friendly chat

    I was on earlier, thankfully missed the mastiness when I went to make dinner, and came back just in time to read the uni student saying he was off on a month's holiday shortly, odd as term has only started, but ah well, he must be a genius to be able to miss 1/3 of a term and still pass!! I had...
  17. tootsie

    Friendly chat

    It was argey, and I got it really cheaply too, I'm afraid to go and look and see what's up today cos I think I enjoyed winning just that little bit too much!
  18. tootsie

    Friendly chat

    I'm chuffed to bits, I had my first win tonight :) I am having to tell myself already that it's for Hannah for Christmas, I must not try it on, it is not for me (repeat until convinced).
  19. tootsie

    Log In Help Please!

    I can't get it to work with Firefix either, I have ti use IE every time, and I hate using IE :(
  20. tootsie

    Friendly chat

    Sara I wasn't on much as I was getting ready to go out, but I did see a fair few marcasite items! I didn't notice what price they went for as I was only glancing at the screen on my way past to see if the kama bracelet was on.