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  1. L

    What were the bars called?

    Does anyone remember Kevin Trudeau and his weight loss product? I don't think he was on QVC, more likely Ideal World, or perhaps one of the purely advertising channels. He was besotted by the blonde woman who co-hosted, an English model. I don't know if they had a fling. She then went on to...
  2. L

    What were the bars called?

    Yes, they were called Bright Bites, or similar. They were expensive, but they worked. They were presented by the son of the man who owns QVC in America. He was very attractive, although a bit overweight (!) and a multi millionaire in his own right. There were lots of photos of him by his...
  3. L

    The Perricone Neuropeptides Collection TSV 26/02/2015

    Spoiler Please stop spoiling the schoolteachers and postmen, or they will all come to expect something lavish. It will up the ante, and I will have to take my Hermes delivery man on a cruise.
  4. L

    The Perricone Neuropeptides Collection TSV 26/02/2015

    Thanks for link I enjoyed reading that. "Coffee makes you fat, tea makes you thin", "olive oil rejuvenates you because olive trees bloom again after they have been cut down" and other quackery. My £100s are safe from Perricone.
  5. L

    Ml for ml value

    Does anybody remember when AY used to claim that products were 'ml for ml value", her way of saying 'cheaper than' the normal price? There was a glorious time when some government regulation insisted that all cosmetic products had to be quoted in price per 100 ml unit, which showed up how...
  6. L

    Ultrasun Try Me!

    Another over-hyped product I bought lots of sets of Ultrasun for my frequent trips to India, and found that I still got sunburn, as well as looking as if I was covered in lard. Then I started using Boots own brand, the once a day version, and that is much better for me, and much cheaper if you...
  7. L

    Ultrasun Try Me!

    Prickly Prickly heat is partly caused by bacteria on the skin. I go to India frequently and have learned that a light dusting of medicated talc over the affected area really helps. You can get Cuticura in the UK, and at Boots at most airport shops, or other makes of medicated talc. Hope this...
  8. L

    CHuntley too sickly

    I couldn't resist. I typed guilt free chocolate into QVC and up came three packets of coconut blossom nectar sugar substitute. WTF? Three bags of sugar substitute for only £21. I dared not look at the postage. You can buy coconuts for a few pence in India and Sri Lanka, so my suggestion is...
  9. L

    CHuntley too sickly

    I had to look up the Chrisianne Woolf book because I had never heard about it, my viewing of QVC being very little these days. Surprised to see its reviews were only 3.6, with several 1 s, saying it was faddy and difficult. Then clicked on the video to find Kathy Tayler on the dreaded ishowoff...
  10. L

    Misleading Demos

    Reply to self here, before I get sued. The 'mould" had all the appearance, to an untrained viewer's eye, of having been drawn on the grout by lead pencil. It bore no resemblance, to my untrained eye, to the black sticky gloopy mould which adheres to my bathroom grout. It bore an uncanny...
  11. L

    Misleading Demos

    Exactly! I had a new television recently with a much sharper picture, and was amazed to see the tiny male, sorry can't remember his name, who does the H20 demonstrating how to get mould out of grouting. In real life a very difficult job. But on screen I could see clearly that the 'mould' was...
  12. L

    Misleading Demos

    Thanks for that. My thoughts exactly. I don't understand how they could have done those demos unless the power was turned off. I won't take it any further because I hate making a fuss. But I would be very interested in hearing from other people who think they have been misled by demos and...
  13. L

    Misleading Demos

    Burn marks! On my first use of this iron I left it for a few seconds on a white pure cotton sheet. The sheet now has the brown scorch mark you expect from an ordinary iron. So how can demonstrators get away by showing the iron left face down, and then the reveal "Look, no burn marks!".
  14. L

    Misleading Demos

    I have just been able to return my Morphy Richards steam generator iron in the nick of time, it was a TSV about five weeks ago. I used it for only the second time today, and it melted my polycotton duvet cover. The demo done by the woman who was selling it clearly showed her several times...
  15. L


    I am used now to the annoying fact that when you ring to order product X, the telephone operator will then ask if I want to buy Y as well. No, I don't. If I wanted Y I would have dialled in for that. What baffles me today is QVC's desperation to sell anything, however unrelated. In the...
  16. L

    Cooks Essentials Digital Air Fryer TSV 20/02/15

    I am not alone! How pleased I am that other share my view that this was a dreadful way to show the cooker. It has two baskets, which basket is used for what food and why? Where do you put the oil? The item details say the buyer has to attach the handles themselves with screws, so show us how...
  17. L

    Cooks Essentials Digital Air Fryer TSV 20/02/15

    I recorded this programme last night and watched just now, wanting to find out how the fryer worked. It could be very useful, or a gimmick. I just needed to know how it is used in practice. However, the programme featured DF. I have never understood before why people get annoyed with her as...
  18. L

    Richard Jacksons Flower Power Tub TSV 21/02/15

    Strewth! What a lot I learn on this forum. I recently had delivered from Amazon something to get green gunge off my paving stones, thanks to a forum member who saved me £25 on a similar QVC product. And to think that I have raved over RJ's product for years! It certainly has made my flowers...
  19. L

    Yet another diet plan.

    We do seem to have wandered off topic rather and got away from what brings us together here, constructive criticism of QVC and a shared interest in their products. Somehow along the way it seems to have turned into a confessional about our own bad behaviours and addictions and showing up a not...
  20. L

    Yet another diet plan.

    With respect, lynnonthelake, I don't think she was being rude and correcting May's grammar. Rather she was pointing out that this affectation of doing.... all the time does make it hard to read May's posts.