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  1. L

    Ecoegg Concentrated Multi-Purpose Antibacterial Cleaner OTO

    Twenty one pounds for antibacterial cleanser?????????????????
  2. L

    DF putting her foot down

    What I don't understand is the attitude of QVC's American bosses. That is, if they know about her writings. Americans are very Puritanical and Bible-bashing. I remember about 15 years ago when I first started watching some of the presenters saying they were not allowed to make suggestive...
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    DF putting her foot down

    Interesting...I have just read the one star Amazon reviews for When the Fat Lady Slims. Someone called Karen says she has worked out that all the glowing 5 star reviews are written by her social media fan club, without reading the book. We would never have guessed. And she says that if you...
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    DF putting her foot down

    Gosh, I feel like having a bath after all that. I neither know nor will ever care who Miss Ellie is, but I am very glad she has decided she has had enough of us.
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    DF putting her foot down

    I think we have the right to voice our opinions about DF because we are paying her wages. As for the suggestion that we don't have to watch her, yes we do if she is demonstrating a product which we are thinking of buying. What annoys a lot of forum members is that we would like DF to behave in...
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    DF putting her foot down

    No need to say Sorry as if it were your fault, Shopperholic. By all means say something pleasant so that an atmosphere of peaceful co-operation exists between us all on this forum. But Miss Ellie, in my opinion, was using rather bullying language in saying the she wished she had the power to...
  7. L

    Saving you money elsewhere

    I saw the demo on the Gtech hour for some cleaning products called Mrs Gleam. Two bottles with hefty p&p comes to about £20. Out of curiosity, I looked online for these products and found the company website. The same 2 bottles plus p&p comes to under £15. Maybe this forum could run a thread...
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    DF putting her foot down

    I have just read Fruit Stall again. Then I read last year's Literary Review Bad Sex Award winner. To think that Ben Okri got castigated for writing something about a rocket going off. Our DF's 'secrets and secretions' beats that by a mile.
  9. L

    DF putting her foot down

    Re: Fruit stall. £500 for turning a trick? That's enough to keep me shopping for Dysons and Lulu G's regularly. Where can I get a short black plastic skirt, high heels and fishnet tights so I can go out standing under lamp-posts at street corners?
  10. L

    Gtech AirRam K9 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner TSV 14/03/15

    Gtechs get superb reviews for cleaning power, but also lots of negatives on other websites for being flimsily built and breaking down easily. I loved mine until I ran over a coat hanger on the floor and the Gtech dropped down stone dead. I was about to order another one when I checked on John...
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    DF putting her foot down

    Cult is right The definition of a cult is that it has one leader, that all members remain in constant daily contact with the cult leader and that no other views other than those endorsed by the cult leader are allowed. With the worse cults, language is changed so that it has meaning opposite...
  12. L

    Tiffany past it?

    Not that she needs worry. On the 3pm Anthony hour she said that last week she had been drinking champagne with Joan Collins in Monte Carlo. Perhaps they were swopping beauty tips?
  13. L

    Would you take fashion advice from this man?

    I had another look at Anthony at 3 pm. Won't even discuss his hat and orange bow tie. I was just struck by the tee shirts he was selling, with sharks tooth sides (? what the heck?). I was open-mouthed at the market stall tat. Then Chloe started interrogated him about how often he tweeted...
  14. L

    Would you take fashion advice from this man?

    Oh dear. I left the television on with the sound off while I went to make a cup of tea. I put the sound back on for a moment, only to find Chuntley on a Centigrade show saying that someone had tweeted in to say she has more than 250 coats, many of them Centigrade. Who is madder, the fashion...
  15. L

    Would you take fashion advice from this man?

    I really must stop accidentally turning on the television when there is a fashion show on. Yesterday I was overcome with remorse at my fashion horrors of the 1980s, as it is always the 1980s on Q. Having an insomniac moment I woke at 4 something and switched on to find myself looking at...
  16. L

    Tiffany past it?

    That was a fascinating photo gallery, Brissles. She was very good looking back in the days when she had a different 'husband'. The fact that she looks quite weird to my eyes, and I may be biased, must be that she has had some work done to her face which doesn't suit her. It is extraordinary...
  17. L

    Tiffany past it?

    FIFTY SIX!!!! Strewth! I have always thought when looking at her advertising walk in baths etc that she was a generation older than me. I am eleven years older than her. I am not vain, but I honestly think I look a lot younger, and that's without cosmetic surgery or even QVC presteege...
  18. L

    Tiffany past it?

    Ooh, do tell. What age is she exactly? (You will always be better looking than her as you are not inflated from the inside with cheek filler, so it's really not rude to ask her age...) I would love to know if she is younger than me (67, since I have asked you to divulge your age minus 10). I...
  19. L

    Are the Eighties back?

    I knew it was Dallas all over again.
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    Are the Eighties back?

    I have just accidentally turned on a 'fashion' programme, QVC at 5 pm. I was reaching for the button to change over from Claire and her iccky voice, when I was struck with recognition. She was wearing a blue bat winged jumper with thick elastic band around the thighs. To my horror I...