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  1. S

    Omg - the ‘stunning’woman on the Marla Wynn show

    Probably as much as her- and could probably find another superlative other than ‘stenning’ to describe the item .......
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    Omg - the ‘stunning’woman on the Marla Wynn show

    Beyond a joke now! ...... If I see one more show with the bloody annoying Melissa Hardy I shan’t be responsible for my actions ! She really is the most annoying person on the planet. If she describes something as ‘stenning’ once more! I love the Marla Wynne shows, but I have to turn over once I...
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    Omg - the ‘stunning’woman on the Marla Wynn show

    I missed the first twenty minutes this morning so I didn’t catch her name , but no doubt she’ll be back later ( unfortunately!)
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    Omg - the ‘stunning’woman on the Marla Wynn show

    Bloody hell - fake posh woman alert again! She’s currently doing the fashion outlet show with Claire who I can tolerate on her own, but when the ‘stenning’ ( stunning) woman is on I can feel my hackles rise by the minute. It’s like car crash tv that I can’t stop myself watching for the next time...
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    I agree! I’m 53 and quite like some of Join and YKstuff but wouldn’t be seen dead in Michele Hope or Kim Mendelson whereas they were ideal for the 53 year old thirty years ago! Don’t they think that whilst we don’t want to look like mutton dressed as lamb, something from this century would be good!?
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    Exactly! I’m 53 but wouldn’t be seen dead in most of Q’s ‘fashion’ I do like some of Join or YK but their ridiculous prices make them a no-no. Thirty years ago someone of my age would have worn the nasty offerings of Michele Hope and Kim but I wouldn’t be seen dead in either!
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    I bought the MIL a ( full price) jumper from Roman the week before Christmas and was told it could be exchanged but no refund ? Good job she liked it!
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    Omg - the ‘stunning’woman on the Marla Wynn show

    Nobody gets on my wires as much as her ( well maybe Vonda) but if she says the word stunning to describe something once more...... grrr! And don’t get me started on the fake posh accent ‘blesh’ ( blush) anyone?
  9. S

    Who is this woman?! Grrr

  10. S

    Who is this woman?! Grrr

    I was just waiting for Pippa to mention her name but nothing was forthcoming! I was so stressed with the all the ‘stunning’s and perfect for doing ‘lench’s’ (lunch) ...........
  11. S

    Who is this woman?! Grrr

    Who is the woman who seems to be brand ambassador for every fashion brand going? She’s been on virtually every day this week, Rieker earlier and now outerwear! If she says ‘It’s stenning (stunning) one more bloody time i’ll scream! She’s trying to sound posh but failing miserably!
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    Do QVC Read Their Reviews?

    I wondered if some criticism is finding it's way back to the presenters when I was watching the Mr Max show the other day. Chloe ( especially) and the brand ambassador Joey Schooley were umm-ing and ahh-ing through the colour choices ,admittedly there were a lot, and Chloe said' I know you are...
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    Is it only me or is she the most irritating brand ambassador on Q? She's been seemingly 'promoted' to co- presenting the Friday fashion runway show and is inventing phrases as she goes ( volumu- less sleeves anyone?)Ok I'm Northern so it probably annoys me more than someone south of Watford but...
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    Amanda Wakeley TSV 11/09/17

    Chloe talking c**p on Amanda Wakeley Well, of all the inane ramblings that come out of Chloe's mouth this has got to be the most pointless. On the Amanda Wakeley Tsv show this morning she said 'You will actually think of an excuse to go out , just so you can take this bag' What??? She then...
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    Katy Pullinger

    Katy bloody Pullinger! So..... I get in from work at 11.10 pm and turned on Q. Imagine my dismay when I realised Draculas daughter was presenting the last hour of Laura Geller! My dismay escalated when she said she was carrying on for the Adesso hour. If she says um- errr once more, I swear I...
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    Advanced Orders

    I do think that Q are a bit sneaky when it comes to advanced orders. On more than one occasion the presenters have specifically announced that ' maybe you're waiting for another payday, and this enables you to order now and the payment won't be taken till after that date'. With a small child and...
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    Another Stupid Remark...

    The only thing she's famous for is being married to Les Dennis......
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    Tarte Cosmetics TSV 23/04/17

    Thanks sweetie- I'll have a look!
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    Kim & Co TSV 07/04/17

    OMG- This afternoons show is the funniest thing I've seen all week! What with Chloe- know-it-all going into overdrive urging people to buy the hideous jumpsuit before it sells out and then doing all the layering business but yet succeeding in looking like a bag lady! Need to turn off though with...
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    Tarte Cosmetics TSV 23/04/17

    Sorry it seems like I've asked this question out of sinc but I think it's been moved to the original thread from weeks ago! Thanks for the replies anyway - does anyone know the blush colour for this TSV- I love corals but hate pinks!