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    No Christmas Card BUT A Letter!

    Hi All, Well like a few others I have had the dreaded letter, summons to ring qvc finance department. Having read the previous threads I was a little more prepared than I might have been. Alledged crime - 59% return rate However, on looking at my last 3 months activity on the web link, I see I...
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    Distance Selling - cancelling and refunds

    brilliant thread What a great thread. I feel QVC CS certainly don't flag this or even attempt to inform us of our stat rights. I recently ordered The Paul McKenna DVD set in desperation at 11pm only to be told at 9am the next morning that my mum already had the system. I phoned immediately to...
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    omg car crash telly with Kathy

    Keep using the HRT OMG - I certainly have sympathy for Kathy. As a dynamic and usually articulate professional, I too now have these senile moments where I appear to be totally inept and my brain cells refuse to function. Let alone co ordinating speech and demo at the same time! Put another...
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    Clearance what a Con

    what tat Have been watching the very exciting seasonal clearance.... I can hardly control myself, I'm just so torn, the colourful if some what floppy amaryllis, the unfortunate velvet dove that looks like it's been sat on OR the glittery votive holders that they sell in our local 99p shop! I...
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    Jilly's top

    Oh dear! I must admit, I did notice this myself... even hubby thought she was looking 'quite ****iful' !
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    Jiffy bag arrived with NO item in it!

    Well, hello sugarplum! I'll probably more of a treacle pudding by the new year if I carry on eating all these christmas treats! x
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    Jiffy bag arrived with NO item in it!

    Hiya, This also happened to my friend a couple of weeks ago. New cardboard type envelope packaging but no jewellery. She rang CS no problems all sorted. Good luck!
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    taking advantage I don't understand what's happening with the pricing lately. Ive seen some suarti pieces disappear only to come back 40 - 75% more expensive. I wonder if they think we just won't notice!
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    Hyper-inflation|ukhtml|Cor_uk_MyAcct,html purchased these fab earrings from last clicks in november priced £14.03 total £17.48 incl P&P - Now see they are back in stock at £41.25 plus a further £3. 45 P&P Only wish my...
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    QVC Christmas Day

    The christmas day message :11: I'm quite sure that if JR was to speak on the day, it would be to reaffirm to us couch potatoes how one could partake of a 'small lunch combined with a small tipple to ensure one was still able to prize oneself into ones small outfit! :31:
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    Elemis TSV - 14/12/08

    Info needed Hi All, I wasn't impressed with the decleor tsv either, despite being quite a fan. I haven't ever tried elemis can anyone give me an idea of what this kit contains please. Ive seen the pic, but doesn't mean a great deal as 'virgin' user!
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    Decleor TSV - 23/11/08

    balm Hi Sazza, I use the balm every night and love it. But like you, a 30ml pot will only last about 4 months. Very tempted with today's tsv but I have the last Liz Earls tsv, so trying to resist!
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    Kathy Van Zeeland TSV 21st November Any Ideas

    TK Max I too checked out my local TK's after the last show. Have to say I thought some of the bags looked really good on the box and couldn't believe what a snip they were in the shop. Feeling on 'trend' and cutting edge I duly purchased my purple number using it the very next day at...
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    Disgusted - just received used handbag

    OMG... does this mean that those magic knickers that fit soo smoothly and erase all visible vpl, but just wont allow easy access when age, childbirth and sneezing demands immediate relief.... might indeed have been recycled! I wonder if Monica Leuinski wears KIM & CO!!:33::33:
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    Tacori for Epiphany TSV Tuesday 18 November?

    Certainly £'s not pennies! Thanks for the link SCW ITacori Epiphany Diamonique SS 0.47ct tw Lace Design Pendant & 40cm Chain I love the look of this range but it's soo pricey. I think I might do a lot of comparing before I shell out on...
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    Alison Young's husband

    good taste At least we know AY will only entertain the 'best! prestigious, top quality, premium'.... he's a lot going for him ! I'm sure Julia's hubby - if she 'has to be honest, with us... would have to be a 'size small'!
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    Lulu Guinness Jewellery Tuesday 18 Nov 2pm

    chocolate box umm, having sat through her cutting edge handbag designs, I have no doubt that this new line will indeed be unique, dynamic and extremely 'unusual'. Tell me folks what might we expect in the jewellery line: Something in the tiara line ?
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    Julia Roberts

    F.O.C I agree about those awful smock things. If ever a model was to persuade me 'what not to wear' this has to be the one. Julia looks fab in her nice little karen millen tops etc
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    Gold prices

    Quality but still expensive I agree the designs are exceptional, but I'm also intrigued by 'the trace' of welsh gold in the clogau range, my friend had not realised this and thought the range was pure welsh gold! That would at least justify the price! Agree with your philosophy to buy one...
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    Gold prices

    Hi Moynah, Ive tried to access the buy and sell section but can't, I'm a new member any idea's what I need to do? It says insufficent security privledges