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    Why can't I buy from their web site?

    we often look on their the website and compare that to the live tv price and more often than not you can see it cheaper on-line, and when they do their price comparrisons its always the most expensive alternative they can find like 'we found this at harvey nicks' .... and another thing i love...
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    Throw out those worry angels...

    classy! i love it!
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    Andy Oliver..another one bites the dust !!!!

    Just heard via a message that Andy Oliver is also quitting though he will be back doing a bit of what is happening to make all these presenters jump ship... I like Andy.. he seems like a nice genuine guy.wish him lots of luck with his personal trainer venture :mysmilie_378:
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    New Presenter - Lewis

    i had to laugh, he said something like 'you wont find this cheaper in a pound shop' ha ha... how did he work that one out?
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    Jenny Topp leaving

    i hope you all realise that jenny top according to St. Peter Simon is a famous world renound catwalk model :tongue:
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    FFS Peter Simon

    ditto me... completely agree with all the previous comments, he was funny a few years ago when him and sophie were on together but now when he's on its just cringeworthy, getting his words all wrong and mis-pronouncing things, telling us how its 'cheaper than what we paid for it', he is the...
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    Presenters always stating the bleedin obvious

    does anyone ever notice how most of the presenters just seem to say anything sometimes just to fill in the time? today Far was selling some awful harbour bay sandals and he said 'these are quite literally designed for your feet'. always stating the bleedin obvoius
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    What do you think of the Sit-up TV Network?

    well said bid shopping fan, the funny element has almost dissappeared imo it was fun to watch a few years ago but now its becoming a bit painful to watch... and just what has happened to st.peter simon nowadays?
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    Radiopaq Bass Reflex In-ear headphones - Sit-up Discount rip-off!

    just like most of the crap they sell now, one big rip off!
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    disney rip off

    just been watching St Peter selling the peter pan print and gushing out his tearful spiel to anyone who is listening about how expensive the print was so i googled it an imagine my surprise to find it for less than £40 and not the £350 final price that the mugs paid for it O M G! HAVE A LOOK AT...
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    Here we go again - Bid's latest Rare Gemstone launches - Apatite

    yeah...... its so rare and valuable that they are setting it in cheap and nasty gold plate ha ha. but i do really love it when st.Peter goes off on one of his long speils (its so moving i nearly had the phone in my hand..... NOT)
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    amazing talking watch!

    dont know if anyone else notised this this morning but Guy was selling a santos ladies stainless steel talking watch (cheap and nasty stuff as usual) we had to laugh when he pressed the button to say the time which on the watch was 7.06 and the american voice then said 'the time is 8.06 and he...
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    Did I hear Kiri right?

    all my earnings go on worry angels:hi:
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    Simon Davies you dope

    it was very strange.... he never once mentioned the price of anything (which they usually make a point of repeatedly doing)
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    Caroline Lindsay talking Tripe this morning

    she has got to take the title of baroness of ******** she was saying the other day if you bought the trainers she was selling it could help cure your cancer!!!!! and buy this facial toner especially if you have just got divorced... wot a load of old cobblers
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    OMG paul becque in a kilt!

    paul mc beck mrs earwig just said his grandad is a mc cluskey from glasgow
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    Award winning? What award?

    when peter simon comes on during his introduction and says "and now live from london the award wining peter simon" i'd like to know what award is that then? the only award that programme should get is 'most UN-FACTUAL programme....:cheeky: has anyone got any other suggestions for an award to bid...
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    Peter Simon's mother

    well i was watching peter simon a while ago and he was saying about 'in memory of his dear mama god rest her soul and how marie curie fund helped her in her final days' and only the following day marina asked him how his mother was and to give her her love... its true... i heard it with my own...
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    I dont believe it !!!!!!!!!!

    On seeing this i thought maybe this was the first time sit up channels were being honest......Precious-Union-9ct-Gold-Bonded-Neckchain/PG117557/ProductDetail.raction this was on their own web page today ..the same time as they were selling on the telly... this link stated the neck chain was in...
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    Another lie another day

    if you own this ring you will be the courier of the light of the tanzanite.... the custodian of the jem.... truly magnificent... hand designed???? not only the classification of the 7 clusters... it is a covenant of joy!!!!! WOT A LOAD OF OLD COBBLERS!!