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  1. E

    Avalanche Con

    They say 'a fool and their money are soon parted' Just goes to show how many fools are still around.
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    For Petes sake...........

    Good old Peter Simon selling Harbour Collection shoes... he said 'IDEAL FOR WALKING' ha ha silly old goat
  3. E

    Peter Simons monologue again

    I dont get it... what the hell was he on about?
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    cant be that bad can they..

    Just Google whatever they are selling and buy it elsewhere, often with free p&p for much cheaper.... simples... Unless of course you are in need of a lovely christin lars or thomas earnshaw watch, anything by tommy and kate etc etc, strangely you cant find them things elsewhere..
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    James Russell takes BS to a new a level

    bidtvbs well i spent some time earlier looking for the elusive 'world famous horologist' and guess what? yeah you guessed it.... it looks like he has never existed... nothing on Wikipedia, and he would be on there if he was anyone, also, surprise surprise when you Google his name all you get is...
  6. E

    Pray tell, who sells Laurelle?

    Far was on this morning giving us the whole Laurelle spiel... he was saying how they were a British brand based in Regents Park area who are proud of their company, proud of their history and proud of their heritage, wot a load of bollocks as a little bit of investigating on tinternet reveals...
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    Klaus Kobec

    I can remember (quite a few years back) when they occassionally sold watches by Lamborghini and Ferrari, and thinking wow they have some good stuff on here! Obviously those thoughts hav'nt returned for a while...
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    Bygone Bargains

    i keep watching because i never fail to be amazed at how many people are still prepared to pay the price (and p&p + phone call) for complete rubbish/tat/whatever you want to call it.... How do some of the presenters sleep at night?
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    claire rose

    julia and others who have not seen her... have you seen Total Recall? she looks like Arnie going through customs disguised as the big woman with the funny head...
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    claire rose

    Not just a hedge, she looks like shes been taken to the middle of a bloody maze and dragged thru every hedge on the way out!
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    For Petes sake...........

    i was watching last night as well and thought it was funny, he scored 9.5 on the bull-ometer... not only was i moved by peters honesty, not only was i nearly converted to religion by his knowledge of all things biblical, talking of which... does anyone know waht EASYASTICLES is? its probably...
  12. E

    When did the current warehouse clearance start?

    that list above sounds like a load of old tat to me
  13. E

    Have your Sit-up network viewing habits changed over the years?

    well said greg and steveh totally agree with the above... the channels were once very entertaining with a lot of stuff worth buying and at a decent price even including the p&p! but alas nowadays its just one big stream of crap being peddled mostly by presenters who have had a personallity...
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    Coryse Salmone Skincare

    Thats even cheaper then we see them for..we found them on Amazon at £6.50 a just goes to show what a rip off they have Amazon have free postage and packing on the said items too. St Peter Simon also said the maker was a surgeon and beautician and a chemist..but google the...
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    Sabatier Knives Misinformation

    Well i dont know too much about knives but if they are selling them on bid now you can probably forget about linking the name Sabatier with quality. I can now imagine them being made in Hong Kong using melted down Coke cans. Isnt it awful how someone can take over a prestigious name and then...
  16. E

    What Peter Simon says and the truth.

    Did anyone else see St.Peter Simon getting all emotional over those awful south sea pearls? 'The work, the story, the creation, the family... Forget Kings and Queens, this is about those people and the earth and the sea and you.... This is about natures desire to create the most invinsible of...
  17. E

    How much are those perfumes peter?

    R;E Peter Sherlock.. We too were watching this perfume being sold on friday night and the seller was Peter Simon and not Peter Sherlock...even though the person who wrote the thread did not say which peter it was. And he (peter simon) does tend to say that he found things on the web so much...
  18. E

    Bid tv please let peter simon go home!!!!!

    Silly old goat just said 'we've got some hand designed shoes coming up soon' HAND DESIGNED???? nearly as good as that Caroline woman earlier 'i believe this is unbelievable' ha ha
  19. E

    How much are those perfumes peter?

    If the product is a recognised name, you can always find it cheaper by just typing it into google and looking at what pops up, often the difference in price is 'quite extraordinary' (as St.Peter Simon would say). Its daylight robbery but there obviously are a lot of mugs around who are prepared...
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    OMG!!!!! was the final price £530? thats just bordering on the criminal!