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  1. E

    Electric Potato Peeler - Does it work?

    electric peeler.... wot a joke, they've had em on before, a stupid idea i reakon, you still have to go through the motions of peeling dont you? so you might as well just use a normal peeler surely...
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    Peter Simon

    tonight St.Peter was just selling the 4pc dream home collection ornaments, we obviously got the obligatory comparison with Liliput Lane and how bleedin wonderful they are, i was then wondering why we did'nt get to actually SEE them in the flesh, only the super close up shots.... then i glanced...
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    Sally Jacks

    thats amazing amazing amazing and according to sally the cherrys give you the anti-oxygens whatever they are?
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    Sally Jacks

    why o why o why does she keep bloody saying very very very very all the time? its so very very very very annoying! god shes just said it again as im typing 'very very very very nice' AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
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    Peter Simon

    god knows what he's on about tonight, he said something like 'christianity did not exsist during roman times'
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    Peter Simon

    Peter Simon - harmelss... dont make me laugh.... i dont believe a word he says, he will say absolutely anything for a sale, and thats what makes him so bloody watchable in my opinion. Just when you thought you've heard it all he comes out with something else quite unbelieveable like a couple of...
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    I'm sorry, but does Peter actually realise what he is saying?

    ive got an eazee egg cooker...... its called a saucepan
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    The Cruise Show

    OMG a bleedin Bid cruise, dont bear thinking about does it (Costa Concordia springs to mind) at least they could have Caroline (the frumpy foghorn) perched on top of the ship foghorning (i know thats not a word). and Sally Jaxx could be the really annoying high pitched emergency siren....If...
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    I'm sorry, but does Peter actually realise what he is saying?

    Peter Simon was selling a Brown beaded bracelet last night and he said 'I'm not allowed to tell you but this is very similar to a huge design brand' Ha ha he's definately been told off, but at least its curing his brand name tourettes! he also kept describing it as BRIAL, i'd never heard of that...
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    I'm sorry, but does Peter actually realise what he is saying?

    i think its great to see him squirming whilst being forced to mention p&p, and we are so obviously rattling his cage for him to say about the ASA.... Thursday night he was rattled again saying 'yes we are award winning.. FACT'.... He also said last night whilst selling the Yarvik tablet that he...
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    Thomas Kinkade - paragon of wonderfulness?

    We must all remember that St.Peter Simon will say ANYTHING just to get a sale...
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    St.Peter Simon's dying wish

    Well i'd thought i'd heard it all until last night while watching St.Peter Simon selling a crappy old Thomas Kinkade framed print 'a perfect summers day'. I dont know if anyone else was listening to him going on and bloody on, not only this, not only bloody that..... And for those who were...
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    Stephen Gayford Art Evening Sunday 8pm

    i must admit i do love listening to him (sad i know).... his own brand of bull is second to none and i love the way he gets his words all muddled up and just carries on as if nothings happened... and yes i know all about his deceipt and lies and the preying on the innocent but i look at it as a...
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    Stephen Gayford Art Evening Sunday 8pm

    after learning his trade at an early age painting the last supper he not only went on to paint the sistine chapel in his lunch break followed by not only completing the mona lisa not only the hay wain, not only inspiring van gogh's sunflowers, he is truly magnificent.... stunning.... just buy...
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    Another complaint upheld

    love it bennyxp keep up the good work exposing the orrible misleading coboys that they are.... you are truly a convert on here going from being such a staunch supporter of the company to now seeing them for what they really are
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    Mens Flash Clearance

    radio dayz.... Guy was selling it only the other day saying it will never need a battery... ever....
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    Parrot Presenters

    another example of parrot presenters is that bloody annoying Caroline woman, with her incessant, 'quick, quick, quick' 'go, go, go' 'good work, she does my head in
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    Tongue tied St Peter Simon

    not only this, not only that, not only the other, if i had a bloody pound for every time he's said not only, i'd not only be retired, not only a millionaire, not only living on an island somewhere, encrusted in Tanzanite... '45 years ago a stone was discovered that changed the world, richard j...
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    Christmas Day in a fan's household?

    I would definately want one of those tablets........ No not a Yarvik one... I mean a bloody HEADACHE ONE!!!!
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    Sally Jacks

    we were shopping in westfields in stratford last tuesday and the 1st 2 hours are free and to park for 24hrs is only £5 so dont know where screaming sally is parking