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  1. M

    Honora pearls - £500 for a necklace

    I often thought that the pearl harvesters (not sure what you'd call them!) have piles of these misshapen pearls hanging around that no one wants, so they gave them some fancy name, invented a back-story and now can flog them off as traditional pieces as made and worn by the indigenous folk of...
  2. M

    More meat revelations

    What kind of research do QVC's buyers do before choosing a supplier of their products? I'd like to think they visit their main site and see how it's all done but I suspect a quick "Google" for some basic business date is it plus what will sell for the most markup.
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    Beauty Clearance

    Seriously, how old is some of this stuff? Jay Manuel - how long since we last saw him? If these products have a limited life, and they're years old before you even buy, how long is it going to last once you have it? Where have they dug this crud out from? I don't even recognise some of the names...
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    missing stone!

    [mum writes] For me it was Butler and Wilson - the eye of horus ring, which now only has a couple of stones left in it. It's way out of guarantee so can't be sorted. I wouldn't buy jewellery from the DQ range now as the quality just isn't there. I have old items which are really nice quality...
  5. M

    Plume lash & brow serum

    [mum writes] I've been using Nanolash for a few months. It's cheaper than Revitalash (about £34-£35), easy to find online, and, as far as I know, doesn't contain any nasties. I find it better to use than Revitalash and it has even helped make my brows grow again. It has a lot of good reviews.
  6. M

    Beauty Weekend

    [mum writes] I personally have quite enjoyed the weekend, although there is a lot of it I haven't watched, but it has made a change to see some new ranges and products. Even though I'm not a sun worshipper, I've recently developed red patches on my face and have been interested in the organic...
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    Marble Fashion TSV 23/01/18

    Jilly was on last night for the launch and she was telling us that we should pick up a couple of these, as per usual. I presume she didn't stop and think about the fact that P&P would have been bumped up to nearly a tenner, even though 1 P&P would have covered sending several at once. I wondered...
  8. M

    Fashion fix ?

    I feel exactly the same about QVC's dire fashion and said so on their Arsebook page recently. Not surprisingly, they didn't reply but I got lots of "likes" from other users. I don't get who they're aiming at with this stuff. A couple of days ago, they were showing a furry gilet, some high boots...
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    Diamoneek Alison

    No fudge fairy or seashell wizard? :D
  10. M

    Richard Jacksons Garden TSV 06/01/18

    So it begins. This means hour after hour, multiple TSV's and whole weekends full of utterly pointless, overpriced crap, most of which has only a very tenuous link to anything to do with actual gardening. Not to mention Richard "Stick it up your" Jacksie - I simply can't stand even the sight of...
  11. M

    Yet another zcleb coming to Q

    Perhaps she can do us a favour and kick Andi Peters into touch!
  12. M

    Competition Winner.

    I've just looked at QVC arsebook page and they've announced the winner of a beauty competition as one Philippa Gowing. Coincidence or relative of Will? Given their history on these things, I'd not be surprised either way.
  13. M

    Rep says just buy it

    They're getting worse and worse! Whenever you look in to see if they've got something you want, there is either no information about the product or no stock. Given what we can find on ebay and other websites, they must be haemorrhaging customers. For example, I bought two Decleor oils from an...
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    Marla Wynn

    Don't mind the fashion but shame about the prices! Some pieces are a bit old fashioned. Not what you'd wear to the supermarket!
  15. M

    Customer Service: How on earth?!

    Is this "Top 50" for high-street type customers like me and you, or for wholesalers? I can't believe that many people need to be using customer services for the likes of Dairy Crest and BAXI often enough for customers to up-vote them in a satisfaction survey.
  16. M

    Customer Service: How on earth?!

    Pfft, QVC wouldn't know good customer service if it bit them on the arse. These people probably voted on the fact that the call centre staff are usually fairly pleasant to talk to (which they are generally) even though they can't actually do anything for you other than make you wait for things...
  17. M

    Anybody Loungewear TSV 24/10/17

    [mum writes] Dodging the flak, I took a risk on this and, for once, it really isn't as bad as some of those models made it look. It's lovely and soft, washes well, fits nicely without feeling like a tent and the arms aren't tight (or too loose either). I wanted to go for a second colour but QVC...
  18. M

    Lost Parcel

    Update! Pep in customer services really did come through with this - he replied quickly to the query, traced the orders and promised delivery within 48 hours. I wasn't sure if it would happen, but they have both been delivered this morning! What a difference to Q - they'd have just made me wait...
  19. M

    Decleor Hydrotenseur

    As with the Gatineau, find Hydrotenseur here, cheaper! Another decent seller I've used before and no extortionate P&P charges. Their service is much faster too!
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    Gatineau Firming Throat Gel

    If you're in the market for Gatineau Throat Gel, do your wallet a favour and check out this seller on ebay: They're selling it for £19.99, free...