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  1. J

    Leg magic

    I've decided to move the leg magic into my kitchen so I can have a go on it in the morning whilst I wait for my OatsoSimple to cook in the microwave. I was managing 1 minute at a time before but it's been a while since I got on it. Maybe I'll see what I feel comfortable with and build up
  2. J

    The slanket

    Red? Red? QVC wouldn't sell something as common as's ruby if you please!!! :5:
  3. J

    Leg magic

    I've got one and I can highly recommend it.....for hanging shirts on after you've ironed them - brilliant, it is! I also think the swiss exercise balls make a great places to put jumpers on whilst you fold them. :59: Seriously, the Leg magic is pretty good. I got into the habit of doing a...
  4. J

    The slanket

    I can see the tripping and falling problem but it looks so warm and snug! I live in a one bedroomed flat that is in the top of a Victorian house. Each room has 2 outside walls and during the Winter it is bitterly cold! It looks so toastie warm.........
  5. J

    Yankee Candles - I need your help!

    I've never tried the midnight Jasmine but Baby Powder is exactly what it says on the tin! Smells all baby and snuggly. I thought Jack Frost was quite disappointing - think it's meant to be fresh and minty but I couldn't smell anything at all. Yes, I find the small jars to be a bit lacking in...
  6. J

    QVC Breast Cancer Care Event Items

    In a bid to locate items, I've just searched under breast cancer on QVC and got: the mind boggles
  7. J

    Honora Pearls Advice

    Hi everyone, Many thanks for your help - apologies for the delay in coming back to you, been doing some overtime at work :53: I think I'll go for the light multi option on the floating necklace. I have one of the 16" floaters (it always makes me giggle, does that make me childish!?) and I'm...
  8. J

    Honora Pearls Advice

    Ooooh! Sorry about the link business - not sure what happened there! Yes Bluebell, this is the necklace. I'm drawn more to the multi I admit.
  9. J

    Honora Pearls Advice

    Hi, I bought a friend of mine the set of 7 earrings for her birthday last year and she absolutely loved them. She wears a different pair every day and I'm so chuffed! Her birthday is coming up again and I'm a similar priced item to complement them. I've found...
  10. J

    Nails Inc & Beauty Day TSV 17/7/08

    I've got it in cheque hold but I'm not convinced. I don't like the paler colours, makes my pale almost see-through skin look grubby! I like some of the colours in other kits but I can't afford to buy 3 or 4 o them just for a couple of colours in them. I've been to the Nails Inc website and they...