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    Has Mr Christmas Dexster left QVC?

    Thanks supercool the wilow
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    Has Mr Christmas Dexster left QVC?

    Sorry if this has been covered but has Dexster left QVC? :thinking2:
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    presenters you like/dislike

    I like the following presenters: Jilly Halliday Debbie Greenwood Julia Roberts Catherine Huntley Anthony Heywood Julian B - only on craft shows Craig Rowe Sara G Jill Franks I do not like on the following presenters: Anne Dawson - carp Charlie Brook - smug Claire Sutton - too babyish Alison...
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    Friday 18th September - Boycott QVC Day

    one very evil man!!!!
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    QVC Presenters' Wages

    When Charlie mentioned about the free private health care all the presenter's get. He also said QVC had a fantastic pension scheme.
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    Why does QVC have so little (male) top tottie?

    I love Ralph from Honora Pearls, he is dishy IMO.
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    QVC Presenters' Wages

    I remember Charlie saying in a jewellery hour, that QVC provide private healthcare for all there presenters.
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    QVC Presenters' theme tunes

    What a fab thread by fairynuff. I have never laughed so much. Thanks for cheering me up xxx
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    Kara Baker

    Kara Baker has now got 2 children, both boys.