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  1. E

    Cs please answer your phones!!!!!!

    usually if meant to be 12.00 daytime, would say 12.noon, or 12 pm.
  2. E

    Help - what would you keep?

    love the kunsite ring, my kind of design.:21:
  3. E

    Leather Trousers - Oh Please!!

    these must be the same ones that he wore on gems, after steve ashton urged him on to wear them, after finding out about them, it was four years ago.:31:
  4. E

    new presenter

    The man presenting early evening yesterday, dont know his name, sure he used to be a gemstv presenter at the beginning of gemstv.:33:
  5. E

    Don't they want our custom?

    I had some items in my basket from the weekend, this was the first order for ages after being a very regular buyer, after hearing the announcment that web buyers are barred this week chucked the jewellery out of basket, cannot be bothered anymore.
  6. E

    Back by popular demand?

    Do you think that this is an easy way to exclude webbers, permanantly, doesnt look as if webbers will be able to buy christmas presents, unless we go into the web games, it would be good for us to be able to get some of these tv bargains, gem could easily include webbers in normal games and...
  7. E


    i love zultanite, lovely ring, congrats.:32:
  8. E

    I see Lynn is back!

    aside from other issues, must be something special working for gems, with all these pairings, cannot think of other channels where this has happened.:1:
  9. E

    £5 Gift Voucher per order today ......

    not bothering to watch at the moment, had the email about christmas orders, emailed back are webbers included.
  10. E

    Extended Money Back Guarantee Period

    Ihad to email back, asking if it included webbers (sarcasm):63:
  11. E

    I see Lynn is back!

    yes when the system broke down, they were on together for over an hour, very good to watch, very funny, sorry when everything was restored.:1:
  12. E

    I see Lynn is back!

    Yes and sighning on with her married name good to see her and rod back.
  13. E


    I feel very sorry for the presenters who have been with gems from the beginning,namely Angeline Nick Lynn Rod and Drew, they were selling high market jewellery, to us punters at knock down prices. I remember a solitaire diamond ring which truly was sensational, the colours coming fom the stone...
  14. E

    Anyone else got a problem watching on the web

    Many thanks Jan, I feel a bit stupid staring me in the face.:1:
  15. E

    Anyone else got a problem watching on the web

    Hi Iput rocksandco in search the only thing that comes up is to do with shopping telly, cannot get onto rocks&co on the web, any suggestions as to whats needed.:33:
  16. E

    A Thank you from GemsTV

    When Steve was with gems the discount was always 10%, on any order, ahh the good old days.:)
  17. E

    The Big Sale

    I have been watching over the past few days, in the hope for a bargain, is it my imagination, it seems to me that the same pieces seem to be repeated every day, with just the occasional different design thrown into the mix.
  18. E

    website broken again

    having problems as well.:confused:
  19. E

    feelin blue

    Hi Mariek, good to hear that you are feeling better, my GC are 14 12 and 9 their mum has just started work, so I do the schoolrun, and look after them until she comes home, the school holidays feel a bit daunting, might be doing a lot of ordering then myself.:)
  20. E

    feelin blue

    The empty nest syndrone, is a difficult time, however you will get over it, suddenly the realisation happens when one day you wake up and you have all this free time for yourself, and yes a gem room sounds a good idea, could redecorate using gem colours. Go for it keep all that you have ordered...